There are 15 questions in the Nick&Nat Trivia Quiz and the questions will be changed occasionally. Try to answer as many as you can before checking the answer page <g>. Good Luck!


1. What did Nick once do on Natalie's bed?
2. Has Nick ever pulled Natalie from a burning car?
3. What final question did Natalie ask the ghost of her grandmother?
4. How long was Nick dead in "Near Death"?
5. What does Nick use for his voicemail password?
6. What type of flower did Nick once leave on Natalie's computer?
7. Which type of vitamin pills has Natalie given to Nick?
8. How old was Natalie when she met Nick for the first time?
9. Nat once fantasized about herself and Nick while reading a book. What was the title?
10. Nick once said to Nat, "You look stunning. Were you at a party or something?" Where had she been?
11. Natalie once said to Nick, "...if I didn't know you better, I'd say that this place frightens you." What place was it?
12. What was Nick referring to when he said to Nat, "How domestic of you. Just don't make me eat any."
13. What was Nick staring at when Dr. Vanderwal said, "Torn as he is by good and evil, Nick does have faith"?
14. Who told Nick that Lacroix was the source of the evil that infests Nick?
15. Has Natalie ever assaulted anyone?



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