List of my work:

Fibrinolysis in cutaneous vasculitis

Fibrinolysis in lividoid vasculitis.

Leucocytoclastic vasculitis associated with hepatitis C and cryoglubulinaemia.

Comparative study of daivonex and narrow band UVB versus daivonex and PUVA in the treatment of vitiligo

Narrow band in vitiligo

Narrow band in psoriasis

Fibrinolysis in cutaneous vasculitis


Abnormal fibrinolysis, determined by the relative concentrations of plasma tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), has been demonstrated in patients with cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis (CNV). ELISA tests were performed to detect levels of plasma t-PA & PAI-1 in 40 patients and 13 controls. Post-occlusive t-PA & PAI-1 levels were measured in 9 patients and 6 controls. Patients were subdivided into two groups; early: lesion duration < 2 weeks and late: lesion duration ³ 2 weeks. Results of the study show an early hyperfibrinolytic stage with high t-PA and a late hypofibrinolytic stage with low t-PA . No significant changes were detected in PAI-1 levels in both groups. Post-occlusive t-PA & PAI-1 levels were significantly elevated than pre-occlusive levels. It is concluded that there exists a dynamic state in the fibrinolytic system in case of CNV; an early hyperfibrinolytic stage and a late hypofibrinolytic stage.

Key words:

cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis; Fibrinolysis; fibrin degraded products (FDP); tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA); plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1).

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