UPCOMING EVENTS: Our Swap Meet will be on Sunday, May 2, 2004 at the Madrid Community Building. Our Show will be on Sunday, September 19th, 2004 at the Waddington Arena. If you have any questions about these two events call Melvina Reid at 265-2269.

Our Christmas Dinner was very nice. The food was great. After the dinner we held our December meeting. The offices of President and Vice President were open for nominees from the floor. One vote was cast to obtain the people already in these positions remain. Everyone voted yes. Melvina Reid is President and Floyd Rood is Vice President.

REMINDER: For some members it is time to renew your dues. Please look at your mailing label on this newsletter to see if you need to pay your dues. If you need to pay your dues, the date under your name will be highlighted. Please send your dues to Tonya Rood, Secretary, at 11 Northwoods Road, Hermon, NY 13652.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the renovation of the Madrid Library, we will not be having a January and February Meeting.

In reference to the 2004 Yankee Classic. There is a lot of confusion over this upcoming show. It is being called "The National". Unless you are a member of AP A and ABA and read all that uninteresting stuff in the yearbook and newsletters, terms and changes may be lost to you.

John Pierce was at our August meeting and tried to explain some of these terms and what some of the expectations are for a "National".

A few years back, John had the idea of several clubs getting together and having a show called "Yankee Classic" in October of each year. Things fell short of his expectations. Many people considered that show as an extension of Finger Lakes June Show.

After trial and errors (mostly concerning money) John is gradually pulling the show together. It was only a dream that seven or eight clubs could or would pull together. John hoped that somewhere in the future the Yankee Classic would be the site of a "National".

The opportunity for this came much sooner than he expected. I last spoke to him at our show in September. At that time he told me that he already had sponsorship from some large companies and was expecting more. There is a tremendous amount of work involved in a show of this magnitude. I told him the night he came to our meeting, that he would be the one that 95% of that work would fall to. But one man can only do so much. He will need physical help when the show is upon us.

Top breeders will converge upon Syracuse in large numbers and they won't be bringing $5.00 birds to show.

One of the biggest concerns is security - day and night at all doors. I understand he has secured the cattle bam across the drive from the poultry building. This will be used for the sale birds. He needs people in this area also - don't think 10 or 20 cages, think in the hundreds.

Our club has many top breeders in this area as members. I know most of them will show at this event. Wouldn't it be the greatest if some of our own people landed on top of the heap! Even to place at a show like this is an achievement!

Some of our members have already committed themselves to helping out. If you would like to be included let Floyd Rood know at 315-379-9498 or email him at [email protected]. He is more "in on" this than I am.

I am conceited enough to think that I would be an asset to this group. But, I am not physically able to do so. I may not even be able to go and see it. I can not go much of anywhere without a member of my family. Let's face it. The old lady's pretty well shot!

Here's another little thing. After the Holidays, I intend to spend some thought on improving club interest. Since we won't be having another meeting until March, I'll have two months to work on this. I am especially interested in youth activity. I have been getting some calls from adults becoming interested in the hobby. I feel we have a lot we can show these people. What I would like you to do is to write down your ideas and send them to me. I'm going to ask some of you to help out with some of the activities. Any and all ideas will be useful. So kids, parents and grandparents, singles and couples - all of you, please give me your ideas to work on.
My address is: 739 Bagdad Road, Potsdam, NY 13676.


Cold weather tips for our young and new enthusiasts. Cold weather is not really the enemy of our birds in the Winter. Damp and stagnant air is. The cold is not as bad on the birds as the damp and stale air. Make sure the birds get some fresh air and try to keep your coops as dry as possible. However, direct drafts are not good.

In the Winter it takes more care to keep the birds happy and healthy. The birds need fresh water and feed same as Summer. In the Winter I like to give my birds a little scratch feed on the floor of their pens. This will keep them actively scratching and digging for the feed. Try to keep dry liner in the pens especially if you have feather legged birds.

When you're in your coops watch for and also listen for respiratory trouble. You will hear the birds cough and sneeze if you are going to have problems. Watch for funny eyes if problems develop usually I use a water soluble antibiotic in the drinking water and this normally takes care of things.

The little extra time caring for your birds in the Winter is all a part of the hobby. It will be time well spent when you go to crank your birds up in the Spring to start hatching. Don't forget to set your breeding pens up at least 2 to 3 weeks before you want to start saving eggs. Good luck!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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Page author Terry Towe [email protected]

Created on ... Dec 26, 2003

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