Important Dates to Remember:

SWAP MEET - Sunday, April 30th, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Madrid Community Building. Please bring items for the raffle table. The Club will be selling food and volunteers will be needed to help in the kitchen.

AUCTION - Sunday, May 14th, Waddington Arena, Waddington, NY. Consignments will be taken from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. and the auction will start at 10 a.m.
Seating: Please bring your own chairs. Volunteers are needed to help the day of the auction. People with Consignments can get paid the day of the Auction.

FALL SHOW - Sunday, September 17th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Waddington Arena, Waddington,NY. Lunch will be served by the Waddington Rescue Squad.
Please bring items for the raffle table. Volunteers will be needed to help with setting up, tearing
down and clean up. .

Any members who are interested in helping with any of the above events, please call Melvina Reid at 315-265-2269 or Gary Wells at 315-322-8993.


We are looking for "Specials" for our Show.

An Example of a Special is: For Best Cochin Bantam donated by Melvina Reid $5.00

At the Show the person who has the Best Cochin Bantam will receive $5.00 which Melvina has donated.

In our Show book there are Open Show Specials and Junior Show Specials. This is a listing of people who have donated money for the best of a particular breed of bird.
Donations can be made for any amount of money and any particular breed of bird.

For example, in the Junior Show last year Craig and Tammy Cook donated $5.00 for Third Best. This means that the Third Best in Show for the Juniors won the $5.00 that was donated.

If you are interested in donating for Specials in our Show, please email me [email protected] or Gary Wells at [email protected]. If you have any questions, please call Floyd Rood, 315-379-9498 or Gary Wells, 315-322-8993.

Hope everyone is having a good hatching season. The Post Office is starting to ease up a little on shipping live birds. See you all at the Swap and/or the Auction. Floyd Rood, Vice President

Labarve, Diane M - HERMON, NY

From: Salanger, Jeanne A - Syracuse, NY
Sent: Monday, March 20, 20062:35 PM
Subject: New Procedure For Acceptance of "Lives"

Importance: High

I am writing to advise you of "NEW" procedures concerning the acceptance of live animals in the Albany District. The acceptance of lives is complicated by the availability of air transportation trom origin to destination. Because of the limited availability of transportation, customer groups and Congress have implemented the following to improve customer convenience:

ALL shipments of live animals will be coordinated and cleared througb your local Express Mail Office. If you bave any "known" mailers of lives please make sure tbey contact our office approximately 24 hours in advance so we can cbeck available transportation and that tbe viability of the lives will be protected while in the postal system.

In the very near future, these procedures, including Expedited Service Office phone numbers and the list of origin and destination combinations for lives shipments, will be distributed to the major lives mailer organizations and will be posted on the as well as on the Postal Service's internal web (blue page). We realize we have some small mailers that ship "lives" and that is why I am messaging this to each office.

Please feel free to give your local customers our phone number listed below if they are shipping any "lives" and make sure you inform them that we need advance notification. We will assist the customer from that point.

Below is the phone number you or your customer will be calling if the origin zip code starts with:

120, 121, 122, 123, 128, 129 call 518-452-2307 or 2308

130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 call 315-455-8704 or 8705

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call your local Express Mail Office. Thank you for your continued support.

Jeanne Salanger
ESS-Albany District
Fax; 315-455-8722

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