When I arrived at Calgary for the first time, I felt awful because It was too cold to go out and there was nothing to do. However, when I started to go to school it was getting better. I realized that there were almost interesting activities in Calgary inside building such as Eau-Clare Market,TDsqure,YMCA,YWCA,and various dancing bar.

However whenever I joined activities in Calgary, I was always with my friends. I made a club playing basketball with friends. I started this club with a few friends. Let me write down whose guys names, Roland who used to be my roommate,Chester whose nick name is Yellow bananan or Party animal, Samphan who used to have long hair, Bosni who used to has nice car,Yoshimi who used to be a basketball player, Masako who used to be a volleyball player. I asked more friends to join my club such as Taro, Kayo,... We played basketball on every Thursday or Wednesday.

Now,changing topic,I have to mention my English teacher Carole. She was one of my best teachers because she is a kind of deep thinker and always trying to understand us. She used to be a athletic player for running (maybe sprinter). It was true that she gave me very strong impression.

Let me write down about my life in the city of Calgary this section. I had lived with Canadian family I realy liked. I lived with them for 6 months. I enjoyed staying with them a lots, I spent Christmas and new year, 1999, with them. I thank especially Juli, Seb, Jessi, Alex because they helped me with adapting myself to Canadian life. For the first time, I went to school with Roland who was my roommate that time. He also helped me a lots. Thank Roland!! By the way, I had some problem with my financial problem that time, so I had to move another house which is cheaper. Fortunately, I met my junior, Andy, who knew a friend finding new roommate. Andy introduced me to the friend finding new roommate. His name is Marco, maybe you knew him or saw him at least one time because his appearance was very unique and cool such as red hair and eye brow ring. I moved his apartment and got a chance to meet another roommate whose name is Roger, he is also as nice as Marco is. I could talk to my friends and share with them my feeling. Now,I think I did a good job. If I didn't get any friends in Calgary, I would get back home country earlier than I had expected.

Let me tell you about my first semester during stayingin Calgary. I would hang out Samphan who used to has long hair, Roland I mentioned before, Chester whose nick name was party animal and yellow banana, Bosni who was a kind of gentleman and Alex who was one of my homestay family. I think I may as well introduce Alex to you guys at first. A few my friends already had met him, he was a high school guy but he became a student at Ottawa univ. the other day. He is very good at playing the piano. He is the best pianist that I had ever seen before. I used to ask him to play the piano.We talked on and on about from very private issue to universal topics. Even though he was young, he seemed to be old enough to understand everything, I felt. I meant his mind was matured.

Back to the main story, we would go Korean bar, Players, to drink or go to dance at "King's hoarse". Every Wednesday, we went to YMCA to play basketball. The end of winter semester, I saw Taro rollerblading on the street. He encouraged me to buy a pair of rollerblade to rollerblade with him. We met in front of Eau-Clare Market, which is located next to Bow river to rollerblade. We could go any play as long as we wanted because we were pretty good at rollerblading and also tried to make a rollerblade club. let me tell you how many members we had. Taro, Kevin, Mutumi, Bosni, Hanlim, Kayo,... When I started second semester in MRC, my teacher was Sheri.

She was such an active woman that I could enjoy class very well. She liked to talked to us how to improve English skill. She usually said to me "Kevin ! give it a shot!" I always appreciate that she advised me. We had to do a performance when it was a graduation ceremony in Spring semester. We played "Summer night".I palyed as one of main Character and Jaraldin,who is from Franch,played the other main Characer. We did a good job and we could enjoyed graduation party very well.

In july sI took composition course,summer semester, in Bow valley College. And in August I tavelled whole around Canada from Victory Island to Quebec city. Quebec city was one of favorite city to me and the city of Kingston was much better than I expected, especially one thousand Islands. However, around Rocky mountain and Waterton were the best place that I had been to so far. I'm going to visit there again someday if it is possible. and I'm planning to make a webpage about my travel Canada soon.

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