Do You Care?

I will kill for you
I will die for you
Come on baby. Let me show you
All you have to do is watch
It's kind of like a movie
Just pull up a chair and look at me
You never had a problem doing that before
Why can't you do it now?
Your eyes ate my soul
Now I'm rotting inside of you
Your belly is squeezing me
Do you care?
All you had to do was watch me
But did you?
No...You couldn't move your eyes from my soul
Now it is gone.  No one can see it
Not even you
Do you care?
I doubt it
What if I had done this to you?
Would you be mad?
Stop moving you are caving in on me
Your stomach acids are munching on my soul
Do you care?
My soul has eaten your eyes
So, now do you care?
I will tear you apart
Do you care?
Do you care??
Do you care???
I will eat you alive...
From the inside
When you look at your body
It will be sagging
If you are stronger, you will survive
But you are weak...
So weak
You are mine
From the inside
Do you care?

All Was True, But One Line

Another lonely night,
I lie awake in fright.
Your arms once were near
Your voice I could once hear.
So far away you have gone
Leaving me one thing to live on.
Three words trailing from your lips,
My breast beneath your fingertips.
My beating heart rests in your hand.
Your eyes claiming to understand.
The promise falling from your eyes.
Showing me your weak disguise.
My heart has slowed, and now has quit.
In your face, I could just spit.
The love you sent me at one time,
All was true, but one line;
I love you.

Fly Away

If I could find a way
To let your memory escape
Maybe you would never cross my mind
If I could fly away.
Your eyes would disappear
And I would no longer have that
hold on me.
Your smile hasn't faded yet.
If I could find a way
To let your memory escape
Maybe you would never cross my mind
If I could fly away.
My shoulders still tingle
Where you last held me.
My eyes are still glazed
With love for you.
My mind set a trap...
Your memory fell into it.
Maybe you would fly away
If I let my mind escape.

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