The New View over Atlantis
by John F. Michell

The New View over Atlantis Revolutionary implications for humanity and the sciences

Our globe reflects the order of the universe, and that pattern is comprehensible to the earth's children. Our ancestors knew this, and lived by that cosmic order. To study it was to honor nature and the earth, as our word "laboratory" demonstrates: the lab was once a place where one not only studied and labored, but also orated and prayed to the power who made all things, a place where Creator and Creation were honored and contemplated, at the same time.

Evidence for a cosmic order is seen in the old straight tracks which one finds all over the world, and which are marked, as Michell demonstrates, by "mounds, old stones, crosses and old crossroads, churches placed on pre-Christian sites, legendary trees, moats and holy wells" as well as other points of interest, depending upon the native culture. These tracks mark the currents of energy which course through the globe, and to which our predecessors were attuned. The cosmic order is also reflected in the correlation between the height of the Great Pyramid and the earth's measurements, and the coincidence of patterns in the sky and those visible on the earth. Folklore also records the power which flows through the earth, in the form of dragon legends which appear with uncanny regularity along such tracks, but it is best experienced at such places as Glastonbury and Teotihuac�n, which are alive with an energy not yet detectable by modern science, but which is evident to those sensitive to such things.

Modern science has, alas, seen fit to ignore all this information. The fact that there is an energy coursing through the earth has revolutionary implications for the fields of physics, archeology, anthropology, agriculture, ecology, and politics. It also offers hope for a "human society which is ordered and regulated on cosmic principle, demonstrably reflecting the order of nature and the heavens." Michell is correct in stating that such a society "is the only one which will attract and deserve general acceptance." Our fall from grace has many faces, but all of them are but reflections of the fact that we have forgotten that the universe is ordered, and that nature provides for her children. Our ignorance of the grid of energy beneath our feet is but one example of our lapse.

Here, then, is a book which will demonstrate to skeptics the cosmic order laid out on the earth. For many of us, the otherwise inexplicable body of evidence gathered from folklore, astronomy, geology, archeology and history and placed together in this book, if considered separately, makes no sense: combined, they all reveal a pattern of power running through the globe, waiting until such a time as we are again in tune with the cosmos to make use of it. This book, then, is not only a scientific treatise, but a blueprint for the future and a prayer for balance and peace. It is especially recommended to those interested in earth mysteries, and to pagans of all kinds, as well as to those interested in finding a way out of the maze of thought which modern science has built up around us, and which prevents us from finding our way back to the garden.

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