Tao Te Ching : A Book About the Way and the Power of the Way
by Lao Tzu, translated by Ursula K. Le Guin

 Tao Te Ching : A Book About the Way and the Power of the Way A simple, beautiful rendition of the Tao Te Ching

The protagonists of Le Guin's work are no strangers to the Tao Te Ching: they struggle with the question of how to live properly in the world, how to work with others to create little countries without many people, working by not working to create ambiguous utopias, the only kind that have any chance at longevity. Many of her works are in fact commentaries on, and practice of, the Tao.

It is fitting, then, that she should publish her own rendition of the Tao Te Ching. Her version is poetic without obscuring meaning, uses everyday language without being dry, and emphasizes the humor that a more uptight translator might miss or be inclined to overlook: it wouldn't be the Way if there weren't jokes about it, as her translation says. I myself was introduced to the Tao Te Ching through Le Guin's works, and I am grateful for a chance to have her Tao all in one place at last. Her notes are also useful, especially in telling us the various strengths and weaknesses of the translations she consulted to create her own version.

Le Guin was not content with merely printing her rendition, however: she has recorded it on audiocassette as well. Her voice is beautiful in the manner that the Tao is beautiful: gentle and therefore strong, tranquil and calming, and therefore compelling, unpretentious and yet authoritative. It flows like water, and yet is deep, rich, and earthy at the same time. Ms. Le Guin could not have trained her voice to have these Tao characteristics: it is a gift, I suspect, that comes of long familiarity with the Tao, and one which she shares here with us. The book and tape are recommended for those who want to read an inviting version of the Tao, as well as those who are familiar with Le Guin's work and want to learn more about her sources.

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� 2007 Hermester Barrington

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