No Doubt Facts
14.Young once implored a crowd to cover him in spit.-Young and Dumont began spitting at each other onstage in Europe Young demanded that the audience follow suit."The crowd came around the drum riser and totally tagged him with spit."No I Didn't cath anyt?hing.A.Y

Last Year,an animated NO Doubt appeared on Fox's King Of  The Hill-The espisode was called kidney boy and hamster girl:A love store ."And if Matt Stone and Trey Parker are reading this,Adrian Young has a message for you.I"d love to be on South Park!"

16.Stefani's '50s starlet-cum-chola look had wowed thr fashoin world.-After she tore off a John Galliano dress in the "Simple Kind Of Life" video,the desinger cutomade her an oufit for last year's Grammy's."I said,"I wanna look like I'm going to a 50s prom and I'm not a fan of anthing below the waist.So make it happen!"she beams."It was a total Cinderella moment."

After slipintting with longtime girlfriend stefani in 1994,Kanal realized he'd have to get used to hearing songs about himself.-"I really didn't have a choice.He saids,"Gwen writes sincer ,honest lyrics.NOne of us,not even me was going to tell her that she couldn't do that!

Do the No Doubt fellas resent the media's love affair with Gwen-?Not anymore says Dumont."that tag still haunts us becuase of Tragic Kingdom's Don't Speak video",in which the guys fumed about being scissored from a magazine cover.To some, that seemed likes sourgrapes coming from a band that had just sold 8 million records."That video bugs me".agrees Dumont in retrospect."because we come off like dicks".

Stefani once nearly waled out on Dr. Dre.-Recording last years collaboration with Eve ."Let Me Blow Ya Mind,"Dre,the producer ,kept Stefani repeating lines fo hours."afterward,he said.You did good:I've had people walk out,"she chuckles."I said ,dude I was this close.He goes.Yuu should have seen Eve.She was in tears.

Rock Steady is mostlye about happiness plus maybe some Doubt-"Yeah ,Im in a good mood," Stefani agrees."But theres a few lingering complaints there.Because there always are.Because Im a Girl!If the jealousy and trusting issues get of of control.Its just horrible.But thyre all pretty normal problems I hope."
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