19) How does the moon affect the ocean? It makes the tides
20) How many turtles come to the beach to lay eggs every hour? 5000
21) What is the benefit of the turtles laying eggs all at once together? so the babys have a better chance of survivor
22) Why do the turtles lay eggs coinciding with the moon?  The tides is good
23) What causes the Alaskan Sean to turn green? bloom of plankton
24) Who feast off of the great numbers of herring? Blue whales
26) How do the gray whales filter the water for krill? with bileen which hangs from them.
27) What are the gray whale calves threatened by? killer whale
28) How big are the killer whales compared to the gray whale? Two times bigger
29) What strategy do the killer whales use to  get all  the calf? exosted the calf
30) How long did the hunt take? 6 hours
31) What will happen to the calf carcass? sink and be eating.
32) What are feeding on the whale carcass? hack worms
33) How far down do sleeper sharks live? over 1 mile down
34) Why do the squid lays their eggscapsules in teh shallower water? eggs will develop faster, and there is more food
35) How fast can the blue whale move? 30 miles per hour
36) Why is it so hard to study and photograph the blue whale? because there are not many of them
Marine Tools
1.) What is the biggest animal that ever lived? Blue Whale
2)It's tail weighs as much as an elephant and it's heart is as big as a car?
3)What does it feed on? Kryl
4) How much do we know about the blue whale and the ocean? We know very little about it.
5) About 40 percent of the planet is covered by water.
6) Marine life exceeds life on land and the ocean holds about 95 percent of the inhabitable species on Earth?
7) Water profoundly influences the weather throughout the earth.
8) The moon keeps the currents continually flowing.
9) What do the currents provide for marine life? distribution of nutrients
10) What attracts sharks to the sea mounts? because they are injured fish
11) What do the hammerhead arrive for? they have to be cleaned.
12) What are the black patches described? sardines migrating
13) What do sardines feed on? plankton
14) Why are the common dolphins moving in from the open sea?to join the feast
15) How do dolphins work together when feeding?drive them to the circle to surround them
16) Who else benefits from the dolphin's from the dolphin's feeding story? ganets can eat
17) How many tons of sea creatures rise from the depths of the ocean feed? 1000 miles
18) When do the animal feeding return to the dark depths? When dawn comes
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