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This is the IceBerg that broke off in Antarctica.  This IceBerg is twice or three times the size of Rhode Island.  They say that with this IceBerg the world might be over.  It might melt and everything will become water in 5 to 10 years.
This on the side is the IceBerg.  This is how the Ice Berg got created in Antarctica. It took time but it got created.  Now it is putting our lifes in danger.  This iceberg can kill us all.
The iceberg started to start since the Titanic hit the berg and sunk.  It was short and now it has been getting bigger.  Now it is so big that it can kill us all.  This is real bad for the society.  The scientists need to find out more about this and if it is possible that this could happen.  So as said this iceberg is about 50 years old.
This iceberg was 208 miles long in 1956.  Now it must be bigger and thicker. The calving is the one that is breaking off slowly but surely.  The iceberg collapsed in the warmest place of Antarctica which is now the coldest.  500 million billion tons of ice sheet has disintegrated in less than a month. This is really something for this to do it so quick.
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