Rare Blue Lobster
Marine Tools
2nd Page
Lobsters are the instinct animal right now. Lobsters in my mind i think that they won't last much longer.  Lobsters may be the best cocktail to eat but we should save it a little  cause they are going  It's like i go to the net and whenever i ask for lobsters they are selling it.  Boats go  in a big pile of people to get it not for them but  to sell it over the net.  I just think this is real bad for the animal to been sell through the net.  I think that they will not be good enough to eat after going through a lot of places.  Lobsters and all kind of animals under the sea will not be here in a couple of years now.  I just think that we need to make a river for the animals to reproduce some more and then when we see it has gotten big enough we can get it.
This here on the side are some pictures of a rare blue lobster.  One got from the river to the womans's house.
The blue lobster was found in 1992.  It was found by a Wood sea food restaurant.  They did not believe that there was such a thing as a blue lobster but now there is such a thing.  Scientist did some studies and they found out that rare blue lobster do exist.  That was the thing that the restaurant is more famous for.  If you don't believe me go to http://pilgrims.net/woods/bluelob.htm
They say that  the odds of finding a blue lobster is 1 in 20 million so if you find one you better keep it safe. It is just really hard for a person to find a blue lobster.  If you happen to find it twice you are real lucky.  These blue lobster weigh 1 1/2 pounds.  That is pretty heavy for a lobster that is real rare. 
They believe that the lobsters come out blue because of diet and genetic.If you feed them periwinkels their color has been known to enhanced. Once you cook the blue lobster it starts turning into a pink color. Lobsters usually turn into a red color but this one turns pink.  This is so rare that if you have it people will go there just to go see it.
I think the blue lobster lives one year.  It can peel it's skin once or twice and then it will generally die when it reaches the 1 or 2 year mark.  A regular red lobster can weigh 44 pounds and live up to 100 years old.
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