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Reflections on Prom (Afterwards)

I looked over the crowd with glassy eyes
     wanting to cry
          but not wanting to ruin my make-up.

As I watched the couples spinning below
     I wanted to trade places
          with all those girls that had what I wanted.

I became that girl in the blue dress, Emily,
     whose hand was softly pressed by Michael's.
I became Aisha, the crowned prom queen,
     whose arm was linked, ever so briefly even, with Abe's.
I became Cris, my closest of friends,
     whose head rested gently on Aaron's shoulder.
I became Sarah, my lucky sister,
     who held in her arms a wonderful man, Keith.

And as I looked, and as I watched
     I slowly became myself again
          and sighed.

~May 16, 1999

Yeah, but when it was all said and done-
Aisha sat her crown on her dresser to collect dust,
Sarah went home alone,
And Cris cried into her pillow
Wondering is it really better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all?
Blessed are those who still have the chance
And take the chance
To love and be loved.

              ~Additional poetry by Cris Walter

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