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First Prose

    You are beautiful beyond what words could possibly describe...  A loving, perfect Creator, Father used His flawless genius to form such beauty as I am privileged to behold day by day.  Quick determination in your steps, yet such a weight on your shoulders.  Shutting your eyes to shield them from the world.  Looking for peace in the rush of day.  Breathing deeply, your heart starving for a fresh wind from God.  Trembling hands, quickened pulse...  Wish it was because I'm around...  I have a hard time believing...  But is it my imagination...?  Or did you hold me a little longer?  Squeeze me a little tighter?  Hold my hand for a lingering touch?  Did your eyes shine when they met my gaze?  Did your smile brighten with joy and reflect mine?  Did you blush with love as I did?  Is the secret between us?  Does it have to stay that way?

~December 8, 1999

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