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He's Gone

Staring out the window
At a world that's slowing down...
The sun's already gone
From this quiet little town.

A single star is shining,
And the horizon seems a dream
As pink fades to orange fades to purple,
And the blue fades to black so it seems.

Through the cold and bitter night,
I stare a vacant stare.
Tears come to my eyes;
I hide behind my hair.

I wonder if you're home now,
And if you are alright...
I wish that I could see you
And hold you close and tight.

I don't know why you ran
Or why you haven't called.
You must know that we're worried...
But do you care at all?

You may not like yourself,
But one thing will not change...
We all love you dearly.
(Go ahead and call us strange.)

And as the sky grows darker,
This prayer I lift up high,
"God, please bring him home...
I love him, God," I sigh.

~January 7, 2000

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