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I hear so many voices,
That tell me many things;
Each throws its two cents in,
And confusion's all it brings.

"He loves you," this one whispers...
"You're dreaming," that one slights...
"It could be that he's lying..."
I can't stand all the fights.

I step out in the night air
And begin to walk the streets;
Not quite sure what I'm looking for...
Maybe just some peace.

I round the blocks at random,
Watching cars go by.
I ask God countless questions
And hang my head and sigh.

"How long since I last saw him?
...Ah, yes... on Christmas Eve.
Heh, now I understand
Why it's hard to believe.

"I made him so upset,
But I was just concerned...
Is he trying to avoid me?
Oh, how well he has learned...

"It's my own fault he's distant...
If I didn't nag him so...
But if he really loves me,
Why make me feel so low?

"You know, what makes this hardest,
Is not having any clue...
I guess, and I assume...
Well, what else can I do?

"If he would only talk to me,
I'd listen all night long...
I only want to help him...
God, is that so wrong?"

...Returning once again,
One answer I received,
"I've told you what will happen;
you just have to believe.

"I brought you out of Egypt.
Through trials you've proven true.
The Promise Land's in sight;
Look what's in store for you..."

"Oh yes, God, I remember...
Your promise sees me through.
Continue to refine me.
O Lord, I trust in You."

~January 11, 2000

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