The Road of Life
~July 24, 2003~
    I woke up the other day with the sudden realization that I have problems!  Now, you may laugh at that, but it's true.  For a while there after graduation my life seemed clear, everything clicked, and while I had some slight bumps in the road, the scenery was beautiful: a bold blue sky, fluffy white clouds, rolling plains - green and fresh and smiling at the sun, and a straight stretch of road (free of semi-trucks, state police, and orange barrels) reaching all the way to the horizon.  Now, I'm not saying that life has drastically shifted to a rough, narrow gravel road twisting and turning all over the face of a mountain-side in the middle of a thunderstorm at 3 A.M.
     I'd say more that it's 6:30 in the morning (why my clock travels backwards, I don't know) on an already warm summer day.  The sunlight is creeping steadily down the hallway from the window in the dining room, and I'm traversing the house: eating breakfast, washing up, getting dressed, and collecting the day's necessities before I head out the door.  Life now seems busy.  Not hectic, just busy.  I see myself juggling three things, primarily: two people (and the ideas associated with them) and one personal matter.
     The personal matter is that of employment.  I have not turned back from my decision to go into performing.  God continues to remind me (every time I wonder) that that's where He wants me to be.  But when I look at my current options - an audition for a choral group based here in Indy (Aug. 2nd), and two musical theatre auditions in September (at Footlite and Civic) - I start to wonder how long this road will be.
     I'm not scared of any aspect of performing - being in front of people (casting directors or audiences), the potential to be out of work for a long time, or the physical, mental, or emotional demands required of those in the profession.  I'm more scared of the enormity of possibility available to me as a child of God!  "Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him." (Psalm 115:3)  The Old Testament is full of examples of God's awesome power and provision for His people.  He struck down multiple nations to clear a place for His people to live and prosper.  And how many times did he do it with the most famous, educated, skilled, or popular person?  Hint: Almost never.  Why?  Because when a no-name person comes rising out of the shadows to do extraordinary things, no one can deny that God's mighty right arm has done it!  And God gets the glory!  How awesome is that?!  I couldn't ask for anything better in my life.
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