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Some Things Never Change...

Some things never change -
Or so the saying goes.
But I have found it's true:
You live the life you chose.

A late-night party means
A morning sleeping in.
But what's the fuss?
For it is just
A paper not turned in.

And so the weeks they fly,
And so the homework lies.
And before you know it
Your grades will show it.
But who will care to sigh?

For, my friend, some things DO change.
And I myself can vouch
That it DOES pay
To not spend days
Vegetating on the couch.

But you have heard these words
A thousand times before,
And I am sure
That, spoken now,
They do not mean much more.

So silent I'll remain
And watch you take the fall.
And oh, how strange,
You'll see the change:
I will not care at all.

~August 31, 2000

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