Back to the Grove

Warning: Mush Ahead

If my thoughts were an open book,
Then you could read it through;
I'm sure you wouldn't put it down;
You'd find pages about you.

You'd read scores of stolen glances,
And wonderings of your thoughts;
You're the subject of my daydreams;
Oh, sweet dreams by the lot.

But the dreams can only put you,
In conditions I create;
So the best times I spend with you
Are in real life; they're not fake.

You'd also read upon the pages
How I often do
Go, after school, back to my home
And read the poems penned by you.

I long to see into your world,
And so now you're seeing mine;
I hope that you return my love;
For you my heart doth pine.

~January 4, 1998

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