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Words Not My Own

While I sit in despair
And watch the clouds roll by,
There's a smile on my face
And a tear in my eye.

And no one can see
That the pain in my heart
Is consuming me, killing me,
Tearing me apart.

But His voice in my heart
Speaks of truths that I know...
And the hope that I have
Comes from words not my own.

But I fear I might drown
In the torrent of lies
That streamed from the mouth
Of one saying good-bye.

Every smile, every hug...
Was it all a disguise?
Is he really not capable of love?
Only lies?

And his words in my head
Make me long for my Home
From the pain that's been caused
By those words not my own.

And as I awake,
Every morning arise,
I see traces of tears,
And hear echoes of sighs.

And the music plays on
To comfort and soothe
This heart that's been broken,
Beaten, and bruised.

will say, 'I'm sorry.'
Someday he'll come home..."
Until then, I cling to
These words not my own.

~March 24, 2000

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