13: PHILLIP falls asleep at Westin Hills. A small Freddy puppet strips the veins from his body and uses them as puppet-strings to guide Phillip around the hospital. Phillip is paralysed and cannot call for help.  Freddy allows him to walk through walls and leads him up to the top of the hospitals bell tower. A giant Freddy puppetmaster (invisible in the real world) is pulling on the strings and teases with Phillip before cutting the veins and letting him fall to his death.

14: JENNIFER is another of the kids staying at Westin Hills rest home. In her room, she watches TV to try and stay awake but fails. Freddy's head pops up from the top (complete with aerials) and two robotic arms sprout from the side. The Freddy TV picks up Jennifer and smashes her head into the screen, electrocuting her.

15: TARYN is a recovering drug-addict. In Taryn's dreams, she can become a biker chick with an attitude and so when she meets Freddy, she almost outsmarts him by doing back flips and attacking him with flick-knives. Freddy catches her and morphs his glove-knives into hypodermic needles full of heroin. He injects it into her and where the needles have touched her skin sprouts a grinning Freddy face.

16: WILL could become a wizard in his dreams and so when he meets Freddy, he attacks him with powerful electro-waves. This does very little to Freddy and Freddy picks Will up and stabs him in the chest.

17: LT DON THOMPSON is Nancy's father in A Nightmare On Elm Street and Dream Warrior's and was one of the parents to burn and kill the real Freddy Krueger. He tried to bury Freddy's bones in an old car junkyard from where they were left in the boot of a car. Freddy's bones come to life and impaled Don on the fin of a Cadillac.

18: NANCY is the star of A Nightmare On Elm Street and Dream Warriors. After he had killed her father, Freddy disguised himself as Lt Don Thompson and Nancy thought her father had come to visit her. She stepped into his arms and Freddy stabbed her in the chest with his glove.

Joey, Kristen, Dr Neil Goldman and Roland Kincaid are the only survivors of this film. Nancy is the star of the film but this fact does not stop her or her hero father getting killed by Freddy. Joey, Roland and Kristen also feature in NOES4 The Dream Master along with numerous schoolmates from this film.

Freddy's 'death': Dr Neil is told by the ghost of Amanda Krueger that the only way to free Freddy's trapped souls is to find Freddy's bones and give him a proper burial. He does this and this makes Freddy return to the dream world once more.

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