28: CARLOS fell asleep in the Elm Street House and met with Freddy in the dream boiler-room. Freddy cut off Carlos's hearing-aid and started dancing around and shouting behind Carlos's back because he couldn't hear him. Freddy then appears and gives Carlos back his hearing-aid, only this time, it's been Freddyfied! It has been turned into a crab-like monster which clamps onto Carlos's ear and has also been made extremely sensitive to sound. Freddy throws pins onto the floor from a height and makes Carlos's ears bleed but then, Freddy appears with a chalkboard. He scratches his razor-knives down it and the hearing-aid crab thing is so sensitive that it makes Carlos's head explode!

29: SPENCER is another of the gang to enter Springwood and to fall asleep in the Elm Street House. Spencer falls through a chair and appears in a video game. In this computer game, there are a lot of villains that all look like Spencer's father (who used to beat him before he moved out). All the characters beat Spencer up and Freddy takes control of Spencer like a computer game character. He makes Spencer jump all over the place and hit his head on the ceiling. Tracy and the rest of he kids try to help Spencer in the real world but cannot wake him up or stop bouncing around. They find Freddy upstairs in the Elm Street House and they steal his game controller but Freddy uses his 'Power-Glove' controller to still control Spencer. Finally, Freddy introduces his character into the game. Thrown down a bottomless pit in the game0like dream world but actually forced to jump down a flight of stairs by Freddy and was killed.

30: JOHN, who keeps dreaming of being in a falling house, falls asleep and finds himself being forced to jump through the window of the falling bedroom. He finds himself armed with a parachute and so pulls it open only to find Freddy falling down from inside. Freddy grabs onto the cords and John, who is convinced he is Freddy's son and so he cannot be hurt by him, starts to make fun of him. He is wrong and Freddy cuts the cords. Before John hits the ground, Freddy puts a bed of nails below him which John falls onto and is pierced in several places and killed. In the real world, John is in a car with his friends who can only watch as John become covered with holes and blood.

FREDDY KRUEGER actually dies (for the second time) in this film. He is pulled into the real world by his daughter, Tracy, and is beaten to a pulp by her after she steals his glove. He almost persuades her to give him back his glove but instead, she sticks it into his stomach, impaling him to the wall. She then shoves a stick of dynamite into the wound in his stomach and Freddy is blown to smithereens, his soul being taken back to hell by the Dream Demons.

Tracy is the star of the film and is the survivor, along with Doc, Dr Maggie Burrows and Kelly.

Freddy's death: See above

It is worth noting that every single child in Elm Street has been killed by Freddy and every adult has gone mad with terror. Seeing that Alice (from NOES4 ad NOES5) is not mentioned in this film, it is likely that she has also been killed by Freddy. This would also explain Freddy inheriting Alice's power to enter anybody's dreams (like Carlos, Spencer and John who were only passing through Springwood), instead of just the ones of the children of Elm Street.

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