134: MIKE is the first to die in the film. Jason is stalking in the woods and apparently kills Mike off-screen because his girlfriend calls for him but cannot find him.

135: A female councillor working at Camp Crystal Lake decides to go for a swim with her boyfriend Mike. She cannot find him and so walks through the woods where she meets with Jason. She is impaled to a tree with Jason's machete.

136: TREY is the first major character to get killed by Jason in this film. After telling his girlfriend, Gibb, to have a shower, he lies on his bed. Jason breaks in and stabs him several times in the back with his machete. After this, he is still alive and so Jason snaps the bed in half, also snapping Trey in half!

137: BLAKE was Trey's best friend and falls asleep on his porch when Freddy turns up down the end of the street. Freddy jumps out of a shadow on the floor and slashes Blake but, as he is not yet back to power, Freddy's glove goes straight through him. Blake wakes up to find his father sitting next to him, decapitated! Jason then turns up and slashes Blake with his machete.

138: BLAKE'S FATHER was apparently in the kitchen when Blake was being attacked by Freddy in the dream. Jason turned up and decapitated him, then put him by the side of Blake so that he could scare Blake by making his head fall off!

139: GIBB falls asleep whilst at a party in a cornfield. She dreams that she is being chased by Freddy through his infamous boiler-room and he finally corners her in a cupboard. As Freddy gets ready to kill her, a hole appears in Gibb's chest and she disappears from the dream world, much to Freddy's horror. Back in the real world, Jason had performed his famous double-impaling with a pole when a boy at the party jumped on top of the sleeping Gibb and so Gibb was killed.

35: MARK broke out of the asylum along with Will to try and save Lori. He fell asleep whilst trying to stay awake in his bedroom. He dreamed that he saw a dead body in his bathtub in bloody water. The dead body was, obviously, Freddy in disguise and out of the blood seeping along the floor sprouted spikes which help Mark to the floor whilst Freddy turned the blood into snakes. He escapes but Freddy sets him alight. As Lori and Will watch in the real world through his window, Freddy slashes his face with his glove and he is killed.

140: PARTY PERSON #1 was killed when he jumped on top of the sleeping Gibb in the cornfield when she was being chased by Freddy. Jason turned up and stuck a pole through both of them and this woke Gibb up, stopping Freddy from killing her.

141: PARTY PERSON #2 had his head twisted around and his neck broken by Jason in the cornfield party.

142: PARTY PERSON #3 set Jason alight but was then chased by him. Jason threw a flaming machete at him and he was slashed in the back, in front of all the other party-goers.

143: PARTY PERSON #4 Decapitated by Jason in the cornfield party.

144: PARTY PERSON #5 Decapitated by Jason in the cornfield party.

145: PARTY PERSON #6 Slashed by Jason's machete in the cornfield party.

146: PARTY PERSON #7 Throat slit by Jason in the cornfield party.

147: PARTY PERSON #8 Decapitated by Jason in the cornfield party.

148: PARTY PERSON #9 Slashed by Jason in the cornfield party.

36: FREEBURG, a cannabis-smoking hippy, was one of the survivors of the cornfield chaos and went with the others to find some drugs which would stop dreams at the asylum. He is also one of two people to be actually killed by Freddy in the film. As he was smoking pot, a cannabis-smoking lizard-monster turned up and blew some smoke in his face. Freeburg followed the Freddy-like lizard into the coma ward of the asylum where all the patients were sat up, looking at him and telling him to throw away the drugs. He refuses and so the Freddy-lizard-monster jumped down his throat, killing him. Freeburg's body is then possessed by Freddy who throws the dream-stopping drugs away and who has a fight with Jason in the asylum. Jason slashes his body and gets rid of Freddy.

149: When Jason broke into the asylum to kill Freddy, he broke down a heavy steel door and crushed an unlucky guard on the other side. He was instantly killed by the weight of the door and of Jason walking across it.

150: DEPUTY STUBBS was new to Springwood but has heard all stories about Freddy and Jason. He agreed to help the kids find the dream-stopping drugs in the asylum but when Jason turned up, he saved them by making Jason slice a power-cable in a computer, electrocuting him. Stubbs was then grabbed by Jason and also electrocuted, killing him.

37: LORI'S MOTHER was killed by Freddy and was stabbed in the chest by him, framing Lori's father. Will witnessed the crime and told Lori that it was his father but she later finds out that Freddy was the one who killed her. Lori's father couldn't say anything about Freddy in case he came back through people being scared by him.

151: LINDERMAN is one of two people (as well as Kia) to die a hero. As Lori is sleeping, trying to bring Freddy into the real world, Jason breaks in and is about to kill Kia. Linderman rushes at Jason with a pole and tries to stab him with it. He doesn't succeed but does manage to stop him from killing Kia. Jason uses the pole to crush Linderman against the wall in which there was a spike or peg sticking out. Linderman is impaled on it and insists that Kia leaves him to help Lori and Will at the lake and then dies.

152: KIA falls asleep in the waiting room of the hospital whilst visiting Lori. She dreams she is reading a magazine about nose-jobs when Freddy's arm reaches out of the magazine and grabs Kia's nose and pulls it straight off her face. Because he is not at full power then, it doesn't harm her in the real world like it would normally. At the end of the film, Kia, Lori and Will decide to go to Camp Crystal Lake and let Jason be on home-ground for his battle with Freddy. Freddy is about to kill Lori and Will when Kia turns up and starts insulting Freddy's jumper and the size of his knives compared with Jason's machete. It turns out that Jason was actually behind her all along and she is slashed against a tree, giving Lori and Will time to escape.


Lori and Will are the stars of the film and are the film's only survivors. They are also the ones to hatch a plan how to get rid of Freddy and Jason.

Freddy's 'death': After the battle, it seems like Freddy has won as Jason has supposedly drowned in the lake and he is about to kill Lori and Will. Jason leaps out of the water and stabs Freddy with his glove-tipped arm, which he had cut off earlier. Freddy drops Jason's machete and Lori uses it to slice off Freddy's head which sinks to the bottom of the lake. We then see Jason walking up the shore of Camp Crystal Lake afterwards with Freddy's head in his hand. The head then winks and laughs. Freddy is (once again) still alive ready for another sequel.



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