Westin Hills is a psychiatric hospital which has actually been set up by the Springwood parents for people dreaming of Freddy. By keeping them isolated, they can try to control the nightmares about Freddy and stop Freddy from coming back. Most of this is actually not mentioned until Freddy Vs Jason but that's the story.

When Kristen has a dream in which Freddy slashes her arm and when her mother finds her slashing her wrists in her sleep with a razor, she is quickly put into the care of Westin Hills.

Other 'Suicides' like those happening to the friends of Nancy (from NOES1) and Jesse (from NOES2) have started again and the doctors at Westin Hills are perplexed when a group of friends living there start having very similar dreams about Freddy Krueger. Nancy (from NOES1) has recently started working there with Dr Neil Goldman and she knows exactly what the group of children are going through as she has been through the same thing. Kristen soon finds out that if she calls to them, she can drag people into her dreams with her to battle Freddy together.

In the kid's dreams, they learn that they can become whatever they want to become. Taryn can become a biker-chick and Will can become a powerful wizard. Dr Neil Goldman is told by the ghost of Amanda Krueger (Freddy's mother) that the only way to stop Freddy is to put him to rest by giving his bones a proper burial. Dr Neil and Nancy's father go to the junkyard where the townspeople locked Freddy's body after he died. After finding the bones and throwing them into a grave, Nancy's father is grabbed by Freddy's skeleton and killed.

Whilst Dr Goldman is knocked unconscious by the Freddy skeleton, Kristen has pulled Joey, Will, Taryn, Nancy, Kincaid into her latest Freddy nightmare and, after being chased by Freddy for a very long time and after Will and Taryn have been killed by him, Freddy manages to make hundreds of copies of himself appear from a mirror. Before they are all killed by them, Joey finds his own dream power. He gives out a supernatural shriek and makes all mirror Freddys shatter like glass.

Still in the dream, Freddy disguises himself as Nancy's father and tricks her into thinking he has passed over into the dream world. Freddy then kills her by stabbing her in the stomach and Freddy is especially pleased, considering that she defeated him in NOES1. Before Freddy can kill the remaining kids, (Joey, Kincaid and Kristen) Dr Goldman wakes up in the real world and attacks Freddy's bones with holy water and a crucifix. In the dream world, Freddy is burst open with rays of light and he is defeated for the third time.



After the events in NOES, Nancy left town to go to college where she studied to be a psychologist specializing in dreams. When she left she stayed away from everything in Springwood, including her father.

Guilt over the death of Nancy's friends and his role in what Freddy had become as well as his own daughter's departure drove Nancy's father, Lt Don Thompson, to alcoholism and depression.

The true story of Freddy's birth and mother is revealed. To see the whole story, take a look at the Freddy Time-line on the homepage.



William 'Will' Stanton: In the name of Lowrick, Prince of Elves, demon be gone!
Freddy Krueger: Sorry kid! I don't believe in fairy tales!

Freddy (to Jennifer as he smashes her head into a TV screen): Welcome to Prime Time, bitch!

Freddy Krueger (to Taryn and transforming his glove-knives into hypodermic needles): Taryn! Uh, why should we fight? We're old friends, you and I. Don't you remember? Let's get high.

Freddy Krueger: You're mine now piggy!

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