Four years after Freddy's Krueger's daughter, Maggie (from NOES6), killed him, Freddy is revived once again and is desperate to kill. Unfortunately for him, everyone who has ever come into contact with Freddy, including a kid called Matt, have been isolated from the rest of Springwood in Westin Hills (a hospital designed to stop Freddy from reappearing by stopping them dreaming) and given the dream-stopping drug, Hypnocil. Seeing as nobody other than them really knows about Freddy enough to dream about him, Freddy cannot feed off the towns fear and haunt their dreams.

Freddy decides to get somebody to start killing on Elm Street so that it will bring memories of him and people will start to get scared of him and he reappear in their dreams. Who better to start Freddy killing once more than Jason Voorhees, a machete wielding, hockey mask wearing zombie intent on killing everyone who visits Camp Crystal Lake. As a child, Jason supposedly drowned in the camp lake but started killing people after his murdering mother was killed by a group of camp councillors. Jason was also killed but found that he had the special gift of being able to return from the dead as a zombie (not unlike Freddy!). Luckily, Camp Crystal Lake in just around the corner from Springwood! (Coincidence? I think not!) Freddy resurrects Jason for the hundredth time and, disguised as Jason's mother, Pamela Voorhees, persuades him to start killing the children on Elm Street.

A large group of children are having a party at 1428 Elm Street, the house now being inhabited by Lori and her father. At the party, a boy is killed and snapped in half by Jason and, when he is found, the police turn up. They take Lori and her friends to the police station and Lori falls asleep. In a dream, she is told by the ghost of one of Freddy's victims that he is returning to power once more.

Matt, a kid who used to see Freddy before being committed to Westin Hills, and Will, a boyfriend of Lori's who is in Westin Hills because he saw Lori's father kill her mother, see a news report about the murder at Lori's house. They manage to escape the hospital and return to Springwood to save Lori. After Blake, another of Lori's friends, is killed by Jason and after Matt spreads his nightmares of Freddy all over the school, Freddy is remembered again and decides that he is powerful enough to do a bit of killing himself.

A large group of children have a party in the middle of a cornfield which results in horror as dozens of them are slashed to pieces by the unstoppable Jason Voorhees. Freddy is about to kill his first victim since being back to power when his victim is woken up by being killed by Jason. Freddy's victim disappears from the dream world and this really annoys Freddy who vows to try and stop Jason so that he can kill the kids himself.

After Will and Matt meeting up with their friends and telling them where they have been, the surviving children decide that they must break back into Westin Hills to steal the drug-stopping drug, Hypnocil, so that they can stop Freddy whilst coming up with a solution on how to get rid of Jason. Whilst Jason breaks into Westin Hills, Freddy takes over Freeburg (one of the few survivors) and gets rid of all the Hypnocil pills. Freddy (in Freeburg's body) manages to pump Jason full of tranquilizer before being slashed.

Jason is put into a deep, deep sleep and is now is now in Freddy's territory! The two supernatural killers have their first major battle. Freddy puts up a very good fight and whenever he gets hurt, he can simply regenerate himself. When a water pipe is burst and Jason cannot pass through it, Freddy realises that he is afraid of water, that being the cause of his original 'death'. Freddy showers Jason with water and then causes Jason to dream about the day he drowned in the water, terrifying him.

Back at Westin Hills in the real world, Lori, Will, Kia and Linderman have hatched a plan. They drag the unconscious Jason into their van and, still pumping him full of extremely heavy tranquilizer, drive him to Camp Crystal Lake. They decide that they will let Lori fall asleep so that she can drag Freddy into the real world. They will then let Jason wake up and they will fight, taking the attention off the remaining kids. Jason, being on home-ground, should win and when he does, he shouldn't need to carry on killing as he will have no reason to.

Lori falls asleep and has a dream about what happened the night when Will saw Lori's dad kill her mother. It turns out Lori's father had a knife and was trying to use it on Freddy who was stabbing his wife and not Lori's mother! Freddy nearly kills her but Lori keeps a hold on him and brings him into the real world.

The plan works (but with Kia and Linderman being killed in the process) and both Freddy and Jason are at Camp Crystal Lake. They face each other to start their final battle. Only one will survive. Freddy, being in the real world, cannot regenerate his body parts and is fairly weak. Jason has the home advantage and is very strong. Even so, Freddy is clever and manages to impale Jason with dozens of sharp poles and also beat him using a swinging crate. The fight looks very bleak for Jason and it is unlikely that he will win, which will let Freddy kill every last person in Springwood. Lori decides to help Jason and causes an explosion in which both horror icons survive. Jason cuts off Freddy's clawed-arm but Freddy manages to steal Jason's machete and slash him with it. Jason falls into the lake and it seems like Freddy has won the battle. He approaches Lori and Will with the machete and is about to kill them when Jason leaps from the water and shoves Freddy's clawed arm through his stomach! Whilst Freddy is occupied with Jason's attack, Lori grabs the machete and slices off Freddy's head which sinks to the bottom of the lake. The battle is over!

Not quite! On the last scene, we see Jason walking up the shore and it appears he has regenerated his wounds. He has is machete back and in his other hand... Freddy's head! Jason has won! As Jason walks away, we see Freddy's head wink and laugh....



We all know that Jason wins this battle but did he deserve to win? Should Freddy have somehow won against the brute strength of Jason?...

FREDDY POSITIVES:  Freddy is very, very strong when appearing in Jason's dreams. If Jason has been tranquilized, Freddy can beat the hell into Jason without even needing to touch him. He can also make water appear from nowhere, using Jason's hydropheilia against him. When in the dream world, Freddy can regenerate any body parts that he loses in battle. In the dream battle, Jason cuts off Freddy's arms but he simply grows them again. FREDDY NEGATIVES: Freddy is weaker when in the real world and cannot perform some of the stunts which he pulls in the dream world. When dragged into the real world, Freddy cannot regenerate any lost limbs, cannot make things appear from nowhere (i.e. water) and cannot beat Jason up without even touching him. Freddy also has a much smaller weapon (his six-inch knife-glove) than Jason's huge machete and is also a lot weaker, physically because (in the real world) Jason has super-human strength whereas Freddy only has this in the dream world.

JASON POSITIVES: Jason is a far more effective killer than Freddy. Freddy only kills two people during the film and Jason kills dozens, including all the party guests. Freddy likes to torture and terrify his victims before killing them which could be his downfall but Jason just goes around slashing everybody without a care in the world. This is the reason why Jason has killed around 150 people where Freddy has only killed around 30. Jason is very powerful in the real world, compared to Freddy, and can regenerate his wounds gradually when in battle. Jason has a huge machete and a larger reach, compared with Freddy's six-inch glove-knives. Jason also has super-human strength in the real world whereas Freddy only has this in the dream world. JASON NEGATIVES: Whilst in the dream world, Jason can be beaten up by Freddy, without even being touched by him. Jason also has a lot of issues which Freddy can frighten him with including the death of his mother (when Freddy shows Jason the head of Pamela Voorhees), the bullying at Camp Crystal Lake (when Freddy makes Jason relive the day when he drowned) and, or course, Jason's fear of water.


During test and advance screenings, the ending was not added to the film. Instead, a black screen came up saying "See the conclusion of who wins on August 15th, the release of the film theatrically."

The call letters of the news station shown on the TV in the hospital are KRGR, obviously a reference to Freddy Kruger. It is also the name of the radio station that Glenn (Johnny Depp) is listening to right before he dies in NOES1.

Freddy's "How sweet! Dark meat!" line is a variation on the line "How sweet! Fresh meat!" in NOES4.

Westin Hills is Freddy's birthplace and was featured in NOES3.

The goat seen in Blake's early nightmare sequence is a reference to Tina's nightmare involving a goat in the original NOES.

New Line first attempted to make this film in 1987, when they tried to team up with Paramount Pictures to make it as Friday the 13th VII, but there was never an agreement made.

The bag placed over Jason's head in the Crystal Lake nightmare is a reference to the bag Jason wears in Friday the 13th Part 2 before he started wearing his trademark hockey mask.


Freddy Krueger (To Kia) : How sweet! dark meat!

Freddy Krueger (to Lori): I've always had a thing for the whores that lived in this house.

(After seeing Jason go on a rampage at a party)
Freeburg: Dude, that f*****g goalie was p****d about something, man.

Freddy Krueger: What's the matter, Lori? Miss your wake-up call?

Freddy Krueger (to himself about Jason): He may get the blood, but I'll get the glory!

(Blake has just survived a Freddy nightmare)
Freddy Krueger (to himself): No. Not strong enough. Yet. But I will be. Soon enough. Until then, I'll let Jason have a little fun!

Lori: Gibb, what are you doing? I thought you quit.
Gibb: I did! I only smoke when I drink now.
Lori: You drink all the time.
Gibb: Yeah, well I'll work on that next.

(While Jason is drowning)
Lori: You mean you're not coming?
(Camp Counselor, who is having sex with a dead body turns into Freddy)
Freddy Krueger: It's not my fault this bitch is dead on her feet.

Freddy Krueger (to Gibb): Don't worry about my little errand boy.....the only thing to fear, is fear HIMSELF!

Freddy Krueger (narrating): Being dead...that wasn't a problem. But being forgotten?! Now that's a BITCH!

Freddy Krueger: I've been away from my children for far too long.

Freddy Krueger (to Lori after invading her dream): Welcome to my world, bitch! I must warn you princess, the first time tends to get a bit messy!

Will: Come on Freeburg, we gotta go!
Freeburg (possessed by Freddy): Let me handle this, bitch.

Freddy Krueger (to Jason before entering his worst nightmare): Penny for your thoughts, chief?

(In Jason's dream)
Pamela Voorhees: I'm very disappointed in you, Jason. You disobeyed me. You were just supposed to kill a few, then go back home. I should have known you couldn't stop killing. You're like a big stupid dog that can't stop eating, even though his master's told him he's had enough! (turns into Freddy) Well, it's time to put this bad dog to sleep... for good!

Pamela Voorhees (to Jason): Make them remember Jason! Make them remember what fear tastes like!

Freddy Krueger (whilst setting off gas bottles at Jason like torpedoes): Man the torpedoes!

Kia: Two killers! We're not safe awake or asleep!

Freddy Krueger (after crushing Jason under a crate): Why won't you DIE?!

(A contorted Trey emerges from the cornstalks)
Trey (to Gibb): I'm dead one day and you're all ready out getting s**tfaced? Same old Gibb!
Gibb (stammering): Trey! I..I couldn't believe...
Trey: Come on! Lets go.
(Gibb stands amazed)
Trey: Babe! Don't make me ask you twice, OK!

Freddy Krueger: Your eyes say 'no no' but my mouth says 'yes yes'"

Kia (mocking Freddy): So you're the one everyone's afraid of, huh? Tell me this: What kind of faggot runs around in a Christmas sweater? I mean, get real. You're not even scary. You're not even scary! And what about the butter-knives? What is with the butter-knives? You trying to compensate for something? Maybe coming up a little short between the legs, Mr Krueger? I mean, you've got these teensy-weensy little things and Jason's got this big old...
(Freddy points behind her. She turns and there is Jason standing right in front of her with his machete. He slashes her.)

Freddy Krueger (narrating): When I was alive, I may have been a little naughty but after they killed me, I became something much, much worse. The stuff nightmares are made of.

Freddy Krueger (to child Jason without hockey mask): Awww, how sweet! You ugly little s**t. Now there's a face only a mother could love!
(Holds up the head of Jason's mother, Pamela Voorhees)

Freddy Krueger (to Jason after realising her cannot walk through the water): Ah! So you're afraid of something after all...

Freddy Krueger (to Jason, probing his mind for his nightmares): I'm dying to see what skeletons are hiding in your closet.

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