Confederacy of Native American tribes populating the Northeast region of North America.

The Iroquois have the Power of the Forest
� Get one free Scout unit with each Barracks built
� Scouts get free upgrades and can move through forests
� Starting with Akweks, Scouts are hidden even while moving
� Military units in friendly territory are hidden when not attacking
� Woodcutters also gather +3 Food each
� All units heal when not moving or attacking in friendly territory
� Barracks units +10% hit points
� First Senate build is free and builds instantly
The Iroquois have a number of nation powers that make their units better, especially in their own territory. In addition to having 10% more hitpoints, the Iroquois unique Spearmen line benefits from increased speed when in their own territory, making them substantially faster than their counterparts on the battlefield. Takohs are the first unit in the Iroquois unique scout line, which benefits from a greater line of sight than other scout units, and they have the ability to walk through, and watch enemy activity from, forests. The final unit in this line is the Okwari, which replaces the Commando but is available an age earlier. Whether it's their unique scouts watching your every move from the trees, or their Mohawk Spearmen swooping in for an ambush, the Iroquois are full of surprises.
Available: Ancient Age
Replaces Scout

Available: Ancient Age
Replaces Hoplite

Mohawk Spearmen
Available: Classical Age
Replaces Phalanx
Heavy Mohawk Spearmen
Available: Medieval Age
Replaces Pikeman


Available: Medieval Age
Replaces Explorer

Available: Enlightenment Age
Replaces Commando

Elite Mohawk Spearmen
Available: Gunpowder Age
Replaces Elite Pikeman
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