Xi Chen's Formal Homepage
The concept of Physics Green and Blue:

Well, the physicist's  world is always described by the word :rigid. Sweet things exists but physicist would rather prefer the world to be more dull or by their own word: pure. So in my eyes, one element color is dropped but it's still so beautiful.


You have the choice not to understand what the world’s meaning. Under the first consciousness,  we are trying to find why we are living and why we have the consciousness. Those are kind of amazing things till the early 2000 century. Reality is a sort of magnetism, which keeps us away from self realizing.


Yes, we based  our life on realty and in order to keep ourselves in order, we believe in God. And as a matter of fact, there are little people who really have seen God. People are near sighted and basically what we really care about is tomorrow but not even yesterday or next weekend. We are sealed in a bottle created by God and never know what’s going on outside and why we are here to suffer. Some explorers either now or thousands of years ago began to knock at the wall of the glass and grazing at it why and how it’s there. The amazing faces through the wall form a funny scenery but at least they are trying to do it than most of the creatures inside who’s laughing and struggling and playing games that never ends.


The explorer now can be called with a certain word “Scientist” and their rule of game is called  the “Science”. At least they are searching and wondering. That’s my word as long as I’m still not getting the God’s permission to climb out of the bottle.



September, 23 ,2000



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