(Updated on June 16, 2004)




1.      You will not approach or walk on the Dojo floor area with shoes on. However, you must wear shoes or sandals to and from the dressing/wash rooms and the Dojo floor.

2.      Your Dues to the Dojo are to be paid in advance, before the start of each class, whether you are a regular member or a visitor. Place all cash in an envelope with your name and amount of cash written clearly on the outside, and ensure that you sign the appropriate register. Regular members, who do not pay, will not be allowed to train without paying the ‘pop-in’ class charges.

3.      New admissions, wishing to be regular members, must pay the whole monthly charge for that particular month if they start training before or on the 15th day of the month. If they join from the 16th day onwards, they will pay half the monthly charge for that particular month. All training charges are non-refundable.

4.      For getting the most out of what you pay at the Dojo, please be as regular as possible. You will have to pay the monthly charge at the beginning of each month in advance, regardless of when you started to train, and/or how frequent you were, in the previous month.

5.      All Karateka must kneel and Bow upon entering/exiting the Dojo floor. If a senior is already inside, you must first seek his/her permission to enter/exit.

6.      Always address the Instructor as “Sensei”, and your senior as “Sempai”, whether inside or outside the Dojo.

7.      The senior-most student is expected to give the order to line-up and sit in Seiza (kneeling position) one minute before the start of each class. When Sensei enters the Dojo, the ritual of, Mokuso (meditation), recital of Dojo kun (codes), and paying respect to Shomen (the sacred wall), to Sensei, Sempai gata (if more than one)_and Otagai (to each other) is carried out. The same is to be repeated at the end of the class after Sensei announces, "Owarimasu!".

8.      When bowing to the Sensei/Sempai at the beginning of the class, announce, “Onegai shimasu!” (Honoured to have you teach me!) At the end of the class, bow and announce, “Domo arigato gozaimashita!” (Thank you very much!)

9.      You must respect all your lower/higher grades, and add the suffix “-san” when addressing your juniors.

10.  Whenever you are given instructions or a command, always respond with a loud, "Ossu!", and do what is asked of you instantaneously, without wasting time.

11.  You must arrive early enough to get into your Gi, and be ready when the class is called to order. If you are late, please wait until the class is over and ask for permission to train in the next class. In case you cannot train in the next class, just sit outside quietly and take notes.

12.  Avoid sitting in the Dojo with your back to Sensei. You should never lean against the wall, lie down, or sit with your legs stretched out. Always sit in Seiza. When Sensei explains, it is wise to pay attention and learn… especially from the mistakes of others.

13.  In the Dojo, you must give 100%…physically, mentally and spiritually… if you don’t feel like doing so… don’t turn up!! However, experience will prove to you that once you are in the dojo, all else will stop to matter. Remember to endeavour and persevere.

14.  Your attendance in the Dojo, combined with self-practice everyday at home, determines the rate of your progress… physical, mental & spiritual. It also determines how quickly you advance in rank. In most JKA Dojo, it is recommended that you attend class at least three times per week (for children), and at least twice a week (for adults).

15.  Only Sensei can authorize you to take a grade exam.  Always check with Sensei about sitting for an exam and do not simply assume you can do so without prior permission.

16.  Keep your body clean. Hair-oil is not permitted. Be considerate towards your fellow-trainees… no one wants to associate with individuals who don’t maintain personal hygiene.

17.  Finger/toe nails must be kept short and clean at all times. This is also a safety measure.

18.  Your Karatedo-Gi, (uniform), must be clean, white and free from rips or odours.

19.  You must never, unless instructed, touch the Gi (uniform) or Obi (belt) of a senior.

20.  Jewelry (rings; bracelets; chains; earrings) and watches must not be worn during training.

21.  Female students must wear a proper sports bra, and closed-neck t-shirt during training.

22.  All male students will refrain from wearing any t-shirts/vests, beneath their Gi jacket at any time during training.

23.  In traditional Japanese culture, Hachimaki (headbands) are a sign of true commitment to an art, vowing never to quit. Unless you are truly prepared to commit wholeheartedly to your endeavour, there is no point wearing headbands. It is also not proper to wear wristbands in class, (as a rule of the thumb... if it did not come with the Dogi, it doesn't need to be worn.)

24.  Do not leave behind any valuables, or personal belongings in the Dojo. If you misplace something in the Dojo, the Instructors, the Dojo, or The School will not be held responsible.

25.  Mobile phones, whether yours, or of visitors, are to be turned off in the Dojo.

26.  You must remain obedient and attentive in the Dojo, even when not exercising or practicing. Do not engage in idle chitchat or horseplay while in the Dojo, especially during class.

27.  When asked to come to the front of the Dojo and assist the Instructor, do so quickly and with honour. Never hesitate, look away, or be afraid when Sensei is demonstrating with you.

28.  If you need to ask a question regarding the technique being taught, wait till the Instructor asks for your questions, or else, till end of the class.

29.  Go back home and practice what is taught, eliminate the weaknesses pointed out, and work on improving your over-all performance. Lacking the spirit to endeavour is shameful.

30.  Do not practice any technique that has not been formally introduced to you by the Instructor.

31.  You must not engage in jiyu-kumite (free-sparring), or randori (full-contact combat), without being under the direct supervision of the Instructor.

32.  Seek to be humble… Humility is a sign of Greatness.

33.  You must share in the responsibility of keeping the Dojo safe and clean. So if the floor needs mopping, please go ahead and do so... without hesitating.

34.  You must never complain, tell tales, or talk back to your seniors.

35.  Do not throw anything (bags, mitts, belts, watches, keys, books, loose techniques, tantrums, mood fits, negative attitude, etc.) while inside the Dojo. Your behaviour says a lot about you.

36.  When you are training with someone of the opposite sex, be sensitive to them and watchful of your actions.  There is no room in the Dojo for improper conduct.  Again, preserve common-sense standards of decency and respect at all times.

37.  You must not swear; abuse self/others; spit; litter; or commit any other act likely to offend the Dojo etiquette and Code of Conduct of Karateka. Anyone found to be training under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed to train or stay in the Dojo premises.

38.  Smoking is not encouraged in the Dojo at any time. Please inform parents and visitors of this rule, and also advise them not to stand in front of the Dojo and smoke. The Dojo is considered to be a very sacred place. Kindly keep it and its image pure.

39.  Take pride in being part of the JKAI NOIDA DOJO. Respect it and appreciate the fact that you have the privilege to train with some of the best Karateka and Gentlemen in our country, and that you are a member of the Japan Karate Association... the oldest, largest, strongest and most respected Karatedo organization in the world.

40.  You must not bring students/visitors from other styles/disciplines to the Dojo to train or watch unless you have permission of the Chief Instructor beforehand.

41.  Inform the Instructor immediately in the case of injury to yourself or a fellow student.

42.  You must understand and accept that Karatedo is an martial art, sport, discipline and physical activity that involves contact, and during the course of your training, you may be prone to accidents that may occur and result in serious injury, or even death. In the case of such a mishap, you will not hold the Instructor, fellow-trainee, the JKAI NOIDA DOJO, or the premises of the Dojo responsible. Please make sure that you understand this well! Before beginning to train, you must agree to study Karatedo at the JKAI NOIDA DOJO under your own/your parent’s free will, bearing in mind all the mishaps that can occur. You will also have to pay for your own medical bills, as well as for causing any damage to property.

43.  You must approach and correct others not abiding by the Dojo Rules. Anyone who violates these rules will be subject to disciplinary action as directed by the Chief Instructor.

44.  Finally, you must always abide by the 5 Dojo Kun (Codes), and promise to uphold the true spirit and integrity of JKA Karatedo and the JKAI NOIDA DOJO, by becoming a positive role model in and for society. 

·         One! Seek Perfection of Character.

·         One! Be Honest and Faithful.

·         One! Endeavour.

·         One! Respect Others.

·        One! Refrain from Violent Behaviour.

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I, __________________________________, son/ daughter of __________________________________,


resident of ___________________________________________________, Ph: ____________________,


date of birth­­­­­­­­________________, blood group________, Email Add:_____________________________,


hereby declare that I fully accept all the Rules listed above and promise to abide by them.


Date: ___________________                                                                 ________________________

                     Signature (of parent in case the student is a minor)


The Japan Karate Association - India - Noida Dojo 1

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