(Not recommended for the weak at heart!!)
The Special Squad Training Sessions were initially introduced by Dhawan Sensei in 2000. Sessions would only be held every alternate evening, a month prior to the JKAI National Championships.

However, with their obvious benefits and outstanding results, the SST sessions were made a regular feature on every Sunday morning since 2003.

Even prior to the 9th JKA World Cup Championships, Sensei and the Juniors' Team from our Dojo would train every day from 5 a.m. to 6:30 a.m., 3 months prior to their departure to Japan.

The SST sessions are a privilege to attend and especially to be invited to. Students who get invited to these are to honour their commitment and reciprocate Sensei's gesture by attending and participating in these sessions putting in their maximum effort.

Since there are a lot of technical points elaborated in these sessions, all attendees are advised to bring along a note-book.

More will be posted about these sessions later.
Click on the links below to find out if you are invited into these sessions.
List of students invited for SST on Sunday, October 31, 2004
List of students invited for SST on Sunday, November 07, 2004
List of students invited for SST on Sunday, November 14, 2004
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