Knights of the new Senate FAQs
Question Answer
What does KnS stand for?

Who is Ryken?

Is it okay to be a Jedi in KnS because-

I still don't understand why Jedi aren't allowed in KnS. Can you tell me?

How long has your clan been around?

Why is your clan so small if it has been around for so long?

Are you at war with clan [JEDI]?

Can I be in KnS and another clan as well?

What was the policy?

Why was the policy changed?

Why was the policy started?

Couldn't your secrets still get out?

Oh, I see. Now, why are there only two Masters?
Knights of the new Senate.

Ryken was Darth Icrus' master until he betrayed us.

NO! WTF do you got in your eye! Can't you read what happened in the Legend of KnS?! You're just plain ignorant.

Ryken was on the light side. KnS wants to make sure nobody like him is will ever be in.

About a little under a month after the Jedi Knight II came out.

KnS had no way of keeping track of our members until recently. Now this site will allow us to know who is in and the person can check the site to make sure that KnS is still going.

No. KnS has no reason to be at war with [JEDI]. The only one that betrayed us was Ryken. Clan [JEDI] is not at fault for Ryken's actions.

Yes. The policy has been changed to do so.

To not have a member that is in another clan join KnS.

We had noticed that many people in JK2 have already joined a clan, so it was very hard to find someone that wasn't in a clan and wanted to join KnS.

KnS has a very distinct fighting style and dueling secrets. We didn't want anyone to know it, or how to use it right.

Not if we don't train anybody that is in a second clan. This policy will stay.

To ensure that nobody can have too much power and "pull a Ryken" on us.
If you have any questions about KnS, E-mail either one of us and you will be given an answer unless it has already been stated.

Any in-game questions that are stated here, will not be answered and the website will be given to you.

E-mail adresses are in the Joining Information.
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