KnS News
Recent News
-After a long time of waiting, Noid has finally completed the LoKnS show. It is a PhotoJam3 which features the song In the End by Linkin Park. The file size is 11.813MB so it may take a while to find a way to set it onto the web and make it available for all. Right now, versions have been passed out individually to others and reviews are being taken in. Hope to find a way to public it soon.

- Due to KnS not having a server, or the fact that old members never came back and not many clan advertisements, KnS is shutting down. KnS has been up for about two years, and had a good run. Any and members may keep the KnS tag on as a sign of pride for this old and tired clan. For Icrus and Noid, they prefer to keep it on, as this was the clan they have been in for about two years and it was their first and only at this point. Any others may do so with their tag as they may. This site will remain as a memorial for KnS. Anything else created for KnS will be symbols of pride and rememberance. When Star Wars Galaxies releases, this site might be used for purposes on that game. Until Galaxies comes out, we will never know. SWG is set to release on March 15 of 2003. Hopefully KnS can be reborn and thrive as it once did. Farewell...

- Well, Noid found out that the only person that wanted to ban him from the OmNi Clan Server, was the guy that performed the banning. There is a new server in replace to the one Noid was IP banned from. He decided to stroll on in to see if he was still banned and found out that he wasn't. So a different OmNi member told Noid that HE was the new "Head Honcho" and that Spectrum has been taken out of high power. Still unknown why, but the person that informed us this had nothing wrong with Noid. So now he will continue to "watch" this clan and to just continue being "cocky."

- Noid Hex was banned from the OmNi Clan server for "being too cocky." Read more about this in the KnS Comedy section.

- Lately, KnS has adopted a new member. Darkhalfkilla has been reconized for his fighting abilities and is a proud member in KnS. Darkhalfkilla's training will begin soon as Icrus and Noid have approved of worthy capabilities. Dark's rank is a Knight and currently has no apprentice. Congratulations
Darkhalfkilla! And welcome to KnS!

- Currently, Noid has been working on a project concerning the Legend of KnS (LoKnS). The project is a music video and includes screenshots from in-game. Of coarse, this is not actual moments, but a reinactment. Look for yourself if you know that you have aided Noid in any way. Many ask how to make a video with JK2. To clarify this, it isn't an actual video, but a slide show with music. Since he isn't done with the video... DON'T ANY OF YOU TRY TO DO SOMETHING SIMILAR UNTIL HE IS DONE! *clears throat* Thank you.
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