The Legend of KnS
The Legend Begins...
The Knights of the new Senate.. Founders are Darth Icrus and Ryken. One of the first clans created in the first version available online, appeared to be never ending and was going to be prosperous forever. Ryken, the one who trained Darth Icrus, his master... who later adopted an apprentice named Noid Hex  Many other members in KnS were once a part of our clan. This was once a Jedi and Sith clan at one time, until the dark day that was bestowed apon us.

A month of not meeting passed and KnS haven't seen each other, but Darth Icrus and Noid Hex for training sessions. When Darth Icrus was dominating another room, Noid had met Ryken and all the previous members in KnS in a different room. He was greeted with surprise that KnS was still alive. Noid questioned his meaning to only find out that Ryken and the rest had abandoned KnS.
As soon as Noid had heard this news, he reported to his master, Icrus, to inform him.
Much time passes, Ryken abandons the ones who were once beside him in the break and joins a clan named [JEDI]. Ryken notices that KnS is still alive and well by seeing the room in the server list, and decides to take a look. We had found out that Ryken had become the worst kind of Jedi out there... a Back Attack Bitch (B.A.B.). His dishonor and lack of fighting skills took us by surprise and dominated our well trained Sith. We tried to convert Ryken to come back to us and train like a Sith. He refused and left.

After this, Icrus had become enraged and went on a Jedi killing spree to announce his hate toward all Jedi and decided that there were to be no Jedi in KnS, only Sith.

More time passes, Ryken sees our room again and comes in to take another look. What he didn't know was that we have been preparing for him. His lack of skill may have served him well in 1.03, but this was 1.04. Ryken had come into the room and had abandoned [JEDI]. The bastard... Icrus had challenged him to a duel and Noid after. He fell to Darth Icrus and then Noid Hex. We tried one more time to convert him, but he refused one more time. This is the last we saw of Ryken. All of the others that broke away from us haven't been heard from since that fateful day.
This is the Legend of KnS.
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