Noid Hex's Realm - Home
Pic of the Week
Site Under Construction.
Last Updated - 9/23/02

This site is dedicated to Command & Conquer,, and Dragon Ball Z. Here you will find information on upcoming Command & Conquer games and Dragon Ball Z Episodes. As an extra, I will provide information about G4TV and what each show is about.

If you haven't guessed already, I am a gamer. Duhh.. For those who didn't know that... you are the dumbest mofos out there. LOL!

I'll be changing the picture often so that will be my "Pic of the Week." *Bum Bum BUM!*

If you have any questions at all, e-mail me. I'll  answer any question unless it is.. personal. Help, info, and tips on anything will be posted in the specified area, so check back regularly.

To find your way around, look at the navigation bar to your right. I'm sure you already knew that.
*cough dumbasses cough*
The First Video Game Hero - Super Mario!
Command & Conquer
Dragon Ball Z
Master of the Noid:
Name: Noid Hex
Email: [email protected]
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