Day1: FIRST GET IRON KEY -The first thing to do is to get the IRON KKEY from the undead tree at the gates to the temple. -The tree is located ALL SOUTH, EAST, ALL SSOUTH, FROM THE TOP @ of the island. Dis/ice it. -When you kill the tree get its knot and tyype {unlock stump, open stump, get key stump}. You'll get an iron key, with this key you'll be able to open the gates. Obs: be carefull while killing the tree not to be cpked. SECOND GET ETHEREAL KEY -The next step is working on getting the etthereal key. -Unlock the gate with the iron key go 2s, aall east, all south, go west until you see an exit north. Go north and search( IF U GET ATTACKED BY THE TRAPPER FLEE AND TRY AGAIN DON'T WASTE TIME ON KILLING HIM). Once you successfully searched go down. -Unlock door east. Go east and kill the twwo armors. One of the armors has a key. Get this key and unlock door east. -Farsight east and you'll see a mob named IInquisitor. It is bsable and you can trap it and it is easy to kill. Kill it and get the bone key with him. There will be a bunch of locked cages. Each cage holds a solamnic knight but the most important one is the one all east and south. -After inquisitor go all east unlock cage ssouth. This knight loads a solamnic knight visor, if you want it you can kill him to get it but its not part of the actual run. Go south and search. BE CAREFULL IF YOU ARE EVIL AL THE NEXT ROOMS ARE GOING TO HURT U ITS BETTER TO LET A GOOD AL PERSON GET THE ETHEREAL KEY. Follow the passage south, east, south and get the ethereal key on the ground. THIRD FIND APRENTICE AND KILL IT -Go back to where u killed the armors go weest, up and south. -Go east until you see a door locked south.. Pick door, open door go south and search. -Go south pick/open door west, 2w, search aand go south. -Now you are at the bone staircase. -Unlock/open gates and go up. -North is a metagolem be careful. Go all weest be careful of another metagolem at the very last room west. Go north until you see a door closed west and east. The one east is the apprentice room and the room west is the room where The Master Apprentice and a fire drake is located. These mobs are not hard so if you are in a big group just target App and plague it/keep it down til it ports. If you have a small group, target firedrake with melee til it dies, flee, heal up, then go back in and hit apprentice. FOURTH KILL ASTRAL PHANTOM -Ok now heal up outside Bstone. Go back too the gates where u killed the tree to get in. Go 3u, d,e, and search. There should be two wyverns where you are searching. -Go down, all e, all n, should be a closed door west. Open the door west and kill the astral phantom. A key will be on the ground after you kill him, get the key. FIFTH LURE ELEMENTALS AND KILL APPRENTICE -Now you have to find a room called Secret Observatory. I think from phantom its like e e all s or something. -Once you found this room search. The passsage down is cramped. Trap the room and lure/kill the claws in the passage. -Go down all east and up and unlock door eaast with key you got from Astral Phantom. Trap the room and lure out the elementals. Kill the apprentice. -You get a book and key from apprentice aloong with eq. SIXTH GET ELVEN BOOTS AND PULL LEVER FOR DEMON -Now go back to the room where you killed tthe apprentice (you may have to kill tree again and get ethereal if shit pops). -Unlock the door west, west, get boots on tthe ground and pull lever. -Then go e all s all e, through illusion paast Metagolem. Follow the path up through a cramped room. Once out of the cramped room, kill anything in there and trap the room. - Now you gotta find the guardian demon, hee loads randomly in the area you're now in. Go in any direction other than back into the cramped room and look for him. There are some illusion exits so be thorough. - Once you find him hit him and lure back tto the traps. He'll port several times within that area before you kill it. You have to find him again every time. -After you kill it loot the Black Wood stafff and eq and tport out. SEVEN FIND MAGE AND KILL IT - Ok now head back to the north @ and go alll s e s til you see an exit e, then follow that path e til you hit pool. - Breathe water, and go down into pool, folllow the path all east/up til you hit a door. -Hold staff you got from The Guardian Demonn and then use staff. -Unform and follow the cramped passage eastt and stop when you are at a Large Cavern. Reform. -Go west and look around for a down exit. WWhen you see it, go down, south, and search. The mage is up from you. -It is wise to lure the other mobs with himm out before doing him. Not sure if they lure these days, but they definitely wander so set trapsand either lure them out or just wait for them to leave. EIGHT KILL JADE WARRIOR AND FINISH THE RUN -Now go down north and up from mage. -Keep going north/east until you reach the gas rooms called Hazy Passage. -Type Look Moss in each Hazy Passage room. -One of these rooms is going to say that thhere is a little hole for a key when you type look moss. Search in that one and go west of it. -Go another west and you should see a lockeed door north . -Open door and kill Jade Warrior, loot bookk, port out, and go back to gate with tree. -Go back in to the room east of the apprenttice room and go 2 north . -Open door west. Go west and search(be careefull of metagolem) -Go south and search . The black book you ggot from the Jade warrior should crumble and you should see a pair of boots on the room south. Go south get heel , open heel and get ruby heel. -Ruby is key for day 2. Yay. You've now gott skeelz.