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Disturbance Project Interview

Hola Gerardo! How are you now and DP? How's the weather right now over there?

Hello Joselito!!!! fine here, working and same shit that ever...with the band fine...writing new stuff for a split 10" with RAS and a split 7" with VENEREAL DISEASE and practicing for our summer European tour and next gigs...The weather????? It's fucking mad...today is really sunny.. It's a warm weather on the street, but another days a lot of cold here

Well, could you tell us short info and history of DP?

Most of the band member rehearsal with different bands in the same reh. room, so we decide to do a grindcore band together...This is the main thing...In a beginning like a project...we never think in make a lot of gigs, tours or release stuff, but then, we stopped with our other bands,cause several reasons, and we find a little more time to do this more...serious?????

Any idea why the band name as Disturbance Project?

In the beginning of the '90 was a grindcore band in our town(Madrid) who only play a gig and record a 7" that never was released, called UNCHALLENGED SUFFERING, we love that stuff, maybe if U look for tape traders U can find it...the name of that 7" was "Disturbance Project", so U know...

DP have upcoming split 7" with FistFuck at Outrageous Defecations Recs. What is the update of this split project and how it was started? Are you the one who have contact with Fistfuck or the Outrageous Defecations recs?

We recorded that stuff in summer 2007 and send it to the label. We have some news that will be out this spring...U know that things go slowly with most of the diy labels...Alvaro(our guitar player) and me are in touch with them...this label offer us do this 7". We are not in touch with FISTFUCK, we wrote them once and we didn't receive any answer...anyway we respect this post-DAHMER band.

What about the split 7" with Brutal Death, what is the update? As per your myspace blog this project should be release early last year 2007. Is it out already?

Last news we had about this 7" is that must be out this last winter...we don't know if it...s out, I guess no, because it doesn...t appear on Last House On the Right Myspace. We recorded this stuff in 2006 at same studio session that our split picture 7" with PxLxFx. So this release is a "little bit" delayed...

Another project is the split CD with Plague Rages at Grindhead recs. Tell us more about this project?

We get in touch with PLAGUE RAGES to do something together. In a beginning it must to be a split 7", but looking for a label, Grindhead offer the PxRx guys to do a split CD. So we get 12 live tracks from a gig recorded with, in our opinion, excellent sound for a live recording. Also we don't know why it's not out...the guys from the label told us that it must be out in September 2007, but it is...not...As everybody can see we have 3 released stopped� cause of the labels...Of course we don't like this, but we understand that these labels don't win a lot of money with this, and sometimes is hard obtain back the money from previous editions to release more stuff. We think this is the problem because this stuff U asks for in these 3 previous questions is not out.

What about topics or lyrics do you tackle on DP. Are you much more preferred into social political awareness or into gory pathological type of lyrics?

We guess grindcore must to have that kind of social-critical lyrics, like HC/punk bands...like first grind bands...Most of the bands we like do it. so we too. I must to say that we write lyrics for all our songs, but our singer doesn't use to sing all them...he is a fucking lazy bastard

What is most important for DP, music or lyrics and Why?

This is a music band(better or worst) so music is the most important thing...If I thought the message of the lyrics is the most important thing, I would write poetry or books...anyway lyrics express thoughts, hates, protest and are important too...

If you can recall how many tours outside Spain have you done already with DP and what is the most memorable experience and embarrassing moment happened?

We have tour out Spain twice, The first one was impossible for me travel due personal problems so the RAS bass player took my place, But they just do 2 gigs, one in Belgium and other in France, due the van was broken...It was fucking embarrassing due they have to go back Spain to rent a van to get all the instruments and stuff back...So fuck!!!!! we lost a lot of money with it and can't end the tour....The second one we play 4 gigs in Germany and one in Czech at OEF, also was a problem because several problems on the road we arrive late to OEF and we must to play at 2:30 when most of the people are tired or drunk....

What about local shows in Spain, do you still experience some minor problems when you play in stage or like some problems in other country like police harassment?

Here we don't use to have problems with police at shows, even when we play in squats, but sure most of the policemen would like to break our heads...Ha!ha!

I see also that you will be coming back to Obscene Extreme 2008. What preparation are you doing right now for this coming event? What can you say about your first show last 2006. Do you have any new act or performance prefer for the fans of DP for OEF 2008?

In this moment we start to practice hard for next gigs with VIOLENT HEADACHE and CRIPPLE BASTARDS,OEF and maybe a tour...just we practice to do it best as possible, this time we'll work hard for it due we have a lot of time and we want to do it PERFECT. We always try to do the BEST, but this time we have a lot of time to practice. Our first show at OEF as I told U before was not good at all due we were to stressed due we arrive late after a lot of problems, and we didn't know if we could play,cause maybe police stop the gig because it was too late. So FUCKING stressed there...

Your last gig at OEF 2006 I guess you enjoy a lot. Well, what can you say about the crowd of Czech compare to the crown of Spain? Is there any differences?

As I told U before it was not the best experience in our lives, because the problems I have tell U...anyway we were surprised with a lot of peolpe that was waiting for our gig and the good comments about it. Czech Republic is the grind country!!!!! a lot of maniacs there...FUCK OFF SPAIN!!!!(last week a gig with us RAS and VIOLENT HEADACHE only 50 people!!!!!!)Anyway it depends on the place of Spain there are more or less people, but if U have a grind band U must play in Czech Rep...and OEF IS THE BEST FESTIVAL ALL AROUND!!!! and the people there is total fucking involved with every band who play there, especially with grindcore bands, so we love that festival, the promoter and all the people who go there....Hail to Czech grinders!!!!!!!

Do you have any plan to tour down here in South East Asia? Or any invitation already planned?

We'd like to do it...we have talk with UNABOMBER who was touring there and they told us that is was a really great experience...but we need free time to do it and money....and of course and most important, anyone who help us to do it there...

How about the Spanish grindcore scene� Are there any new bands you would like to recommend and talk about?

Everybody knows MACHETAZO, HAEMORRHAGE and LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER, that are great (although too metal for my taste).NASHGUL will be the next band with that 3, so keep listen them. RAS is a band with more than 10 years on their backs and play a really cool old school grindcore....we'll release a split 10" with them soon. VIOLENT HEADACHE has returned and they kill, their last gig was fucking cool. AVISO MOSCA is band that started in 1995 and they are really good grind crust too, take a listen to their music in their myspace...

What about fanzines� I knew that you have also interview with Flesh Salad zine. But sad to say that can't read Spanish. Tell us more...

Here in Spain there is some zines, but most of them deal with Death Metal or HC. I made a grind...zine called WEGRIND!!!! Actually we're working in the 3rd issue...here most of the...zines are in spanish...I suppose...cause most of the people can...t read english...Flesh Salad is an old school ..zine as it use to be at the beginning of the...90s, mainly death metal, but also with grind bands...It's very important for us appear in this...zine ..because also this guy start to promote gigs in his area and in his first gig we play and also he ask us to play with CRIPPLE BASTARDS and VIOLENT HEADACHE in the gig I told U before.

Why there are some zines written in Spanish? Is it because local underground freaks much more prefer to read Spanish than in English?

Actually all the people learn english on the school, but the level is very low...

Disturbance Project had their owned band website before but it seems that this site won't update anymore and now you are using myspace as the band info website. Do you have still plan to up your band website or you just stick on myspace as info band website?

Our guitar player is a computer programmer and he did the web site with his own server, but it was broken, so he is looking for a new server, but he is very lazy...anyway our fucking myspace/disturbanceprojectband has more or less same info...

Besides of being busy with the band, any projects or work that eats some of you time.

I made WEGRIND!zine, but actually most of us spend most of the time with our jobs...so we'd like do more things, but is really difficult...

What is your first grindcore/noisecore record album heard and what is your reaction?

the first album was "From Enslavement To Obliteration" When I listen the first track, I thought:" Ok, this is not so extreme as people said" but after the second I thought that the tape was broken...but it wasn't so I said:"This is a fucking bullshit and these guys are total fucking MAD" it was in 1988 or 1989...and take a look to me...since the beginning of the..90s I make that same shit...Ha!ha!...At those times I listen Thrash and Heavy Metal bands...

What about your first grindcore/noisecore gig attended? What is your first reaction also?

The first underground gig was in January 1992(I was 17 years old) and it was a Death Thrash gig w2ith SACROPHOBIA(there play the actual AVULSED guitar player), POSTORTEM, ESTERTOR and FERMENTO(who are still alive)those bands plays death grind, death or death thrash...My first grind gig was that same year and it was SEQZION DEMENZIADOS(an old band from my town who released an album then) That were supporting a heavy metal-thrash band called MURO...I guess it was this gig my first grind gig...but these year also see other bands like RUIDO DE RABIA....

Any upcoming projects to come you would like to share�

We are waiting that all the stuff that U told before see the light this year and also the splits with TERRORISMO MUSICAL and VIOLENT HEADACHE...lately we'll record stuff for a split 10" with RAS and something ewith VENEREAL DISEASE. We are working hard in video stuff for a DVD. and our comp CD must be out for OEF 2008...

Besides of getting known each other I guess you are familiar with our local scene here. Well, what do you know more about the Philippines?

Thanx to internet and some stuff I trade with U I know some bands...but I guess U need there more bands sounding like ROT, WARSORE, old NAPALM DEATH...isn't it?????

Well Gerardo, I think that's for all now. Any last words you would like to say.

Hey Joselito, Million thanx for give us a space in your zine... keep it for years... Good luck with all your projects....


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