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Total Fucking Destruction Interview

- Is TFD is a serious band?

dead fucking serious

- Sorry to ask like that but i heard some other people that you always don't answer some questions too seriously, why?

many people ask stupid questions. when i answer the questions they should really be asking, they think i am not serious. why should i bother with a person who cannot think for themselves?

- Ok why TFD? Do you hate everything or what?

no, just humans; they will get what they deserve soon!

- the last news i've read from your website that you're rehearsing or recording for your new upcoming releases. Could you pls. tell us what releases is that?

we have some new songs recorded, but just music. the vocals will be added after we return from tour in brazil in 2003

- By the way, for people who don't know TFD can you tell us short story about TFD started.

total fucking destruction is a lifestyle. it started when i was born and i cannot stop. the ultimate fate of all humans is total fucking destruction. good luck

- Don't bored about that question asking your history coz i don't know if you forgot to put your band history on your website or you just intentionally leave it blank when they click the link for band history. why?

that is not band history, that is your history. your future is blank as well; there is nothing real except total fucking destruction

- And also to your future project. Yo don't have any future project or something like that?

in the future, i plan to spend less time answering email and more time staring into the blackness of the soul.

- sorry to ask you if i'm not informed that you are formerly Brutal truth member. (if yes) how can you compare TFD to BT?

i was the drummer in brutal truth. TFD is the logical extension of BT; unfortunately, certain members of BT were too weak to understand the truth. total fucking destruction was my only Choice

- Can you give us a list of things you hated most?

1. you
2. me
3. everyone else

- what can you say about Osama Binladen and the attack of the terorist on your country?

probably one of the greatest works of art of this new century. i await the next installment of the series

- do you think america deserves this?

no, i think all countries deserve this same fate; world war 4 is what we wait for; fought with sticks and stones

- ok that's for all now, if you have something to say or add don't hesitata to say more...

we are all elvis now; sitting up the throne of consumerism; the question is not "how much is enough?" but "how much is possible?" we want it all;

contact info:

[email protected]

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