Nokioa's World Terms of Use

You must ask for permission from one of the webmaster/webmistresses to take any materials off this site.
- You may NOT take/steal any materials off this site without permission. You must ask one of the webmaster/webmistresses for permission first.

You may NOT repost/sell, any materials on this site.
- You may NOT repost any materials on this site and claim it as your own. NO materials on this site is to be sold off your own site.

We are NOT responsible for anything that happens to YOU or your COMPUTER.
- You may Not hold this site or the owners responsible for anything you find  not appropriate. By downloading anything off this site you agree that you understand that not all files were tested and you download them at you own risk.

You may NOT sue or blame this site for any reason.
- You are NOT to sue or blame this site for anything that happens to you or your computer. By using the pages on this site you have agreeed NOT to sue or blame this site. THIS SITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT YOU FIND NOT APPROPRIATE OR PROBLEMS CAUSED BY DOWNLOADING FILES OFF THIS SITE.

You may not take any pictures on the site that belongs to another site without the permission from the other site.
- Pictures such as from games like Neopets, Diablo, and Runescape on the site is to not be taken without the permission from the site owners at,, I do not own those pictures so please do not take any of them without the permission from their owners.

Some thigns on the site you might find offensive, if so leave.
- Some materials on this site you might find offensive such as unappropriate words. swearing, pictures, stories, and more. We try to keep this site child friendly but if you for some reason do find something offensive please leave the site at once.

.You MUST agree to the terms above to use this site.
- You MUST agree to all the terms about to use this site. We are NOT responsible if you choose not to.
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