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Pan-Am flight 103, a Boeing 747 airliner
carrying 259 passengersand crew, was
en route from Frankfurt, Germany via
London to New York at 31,000 feet
when it it exploded into several large
fragments.  These fragments rained
down on a 1000 square mile area of
Britain and the surrounding ocean,
however, the town of Lockerbie,
Scotland was worst hit.
Several large portions of the doomed
plane hit Lockerbie, including the wings
and engines.  One large section crashed
into residentail buildings in the city,
causing an enormous crater.  The impact was so violent that nearby British Geological Survey stations recorded it as a sesmic event of 1.6 on the Richter scale.

All 259 aboard the plane were killed,
alongwith 11 people on the ground in
Lockerbie.  Rescuers, investigators,
and the press rushed to the crash
site soon after the disaster.  The
question on everyone's mind was
"Why did flight 103 crash?"
Examination of the wreckage and radar
returns pointed to a bomb.  It was later
determined that the bomb was hidden
in a suitcase placed in the cargo hold.
The bomb was a highly sophisticated
explosive devise made of Symtex, a
plastic explosive.

Further investigation soon determined that
this horrific act of terrorism had been commited by two Libyan nationals, Lameen Fihma and Abdelbasset Megrahi.  The US and UK demanded the surrender of these two suspects by Libya, who refused.  What followed were sanctions imposed by the UN until the suspects were finally handed over in 1999.  Soon after the UN sactions against Libya were suspended.

As part of the international agreement sorrounding the handover, the suspects were tried in a court in a neutral country, the Netherlands.  The proscution was handled by some of Scotland's most distunguished barristers.  On January 31, 2001, the verdicts were finally handed down, acquitting Fhima and finding Megrahi guilty. Both decisions were unanimous.  Megrahi was sentenced to life imprisonment, with at least 20 years before he is elligible for parole.  Fhima was released and returned to Libya.

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Pam-Am Flight 103 Bombing
Lockerbie, Scotland

December 21, 1988
The crater and destroyed houses caused by the crash of a portion of Flight 103.
The remains of the cockpit of Flight 103.  The bodies of a pilot and a stewardess were found inside.
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