Dominion of New England
In 1685, King James II of England became concerned by stirrings of independence in his New England colonies.  To remedy this situation, he merged the New English colonies with those of New York and New Jersey to form the Dominion of New England.  He placed Sir Edmund Andros in charge as governor, without any allowance for representative goevernment in the Dominion.

Andros proceeded to demand the charters of every colony be surendered to him, thus making him the sole authority in New England.However, when the colonists of Connecticut failed to comply with this order,, Andros (derisively dubbed "King Andros") sent an armed force to take possession of their colonial charter.  The Connecticut colonists thwarted Andros by hiding the document in a crevice of an old oak tree, which was therafter known as the "Charter Oak" in Connecticut lore.

With the ascension of William of Orange to the throne of England, the colonists of New England rebelled against Andros and the Dominion.  The governor fled but was captured, and sent to England, where he was acquitted without trial. Sir Edmund Andros was later commissioned as governor of Virginia,  where his rule was more moderate and he gained popularity with the planter aristocrats.

Sir Edmund Andros biography (
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