Welcome to my Guestbook!

Patti - 10/31/00 15:37:51
My URL:http://[email protected]

Love your site, would love to see current pictures of your family. Keep us up to date.

Rusty - 10/27/00 13:43:08
My URL:http://stp.pa.st-tammany.la.us

Looks Good but Go LSU Tigers!! The Link above is to the St. Tammany Parish Government website.

Rusty - 10/27/00 13:41:41

Looks Good but Go LSU Tigers!!

DigitalAlex - 08/19/00 12:48:43
My URL:http://www.alexlo.co.uk

I love your layout! Great webpage. now why not make a banner for your website (www.animationonline.co.uk ) and then join http://exchange.searchtheinternet.co.uk that way you get to advertise your website! anyway keep visiting mine and remember to add you website to my links page! Oh yeah if possible add my website to your links page? www.alexlo.co.uk ! cheers From Alex a 15 year old boy! Oh yeah people! why nto visit http://www.alexlo.co.uk "bringing entertainment home!"

GLHOLDER - 08/19/00 11:49:02

Nice work Nolan,I'll be checking back from time to time. Tell all hello and that their kinfolk in Texas will be in touch. See ya, GL

Paul - 08/17/00 01:35:31
My URL:http://surf.to/BluGnomeLinks

Nice start to a great site !!! Keep up the good work. You may want to visit my graphics site to pick up a background or 2...It's free. You can get there thru a link from my links site. As for your award request, i will be in touch with you shortly!!!

Buck Vegas - 08/16/00 19:43:51

Looks good so far.

Nancy Watson - 08/10/00 21:08:16

Great work

Debi Griffin Campell - 08/10/00 14:57:14
My URL:http://www.debidesigns.com

Hey, Nolan! You're off to a GREAT start with this website! I'll check back often to see what you're up to!!! Deb

Sunshine :) - 08/09/00 18:35:54

It's nice and all, but I wanted more details. The latest on the family gossip, where you went on vacation, stock quotes, etc. And who wants to go to a site with out pictures?!?!? What's up with that? Even if you have reservations about putting your o n, put somebodies!! We want pics. Otherwise, GREAT JOB!!

Kerri - 08/09/00 16:34:24

Well looks like you've been busy. Enjoyed your site. Looks good.

Nolan B. - 08/09/00 10:49:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nolanbuc

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