Material Guy

Everyone knows that Nolan North is a cutup on the set. But when he ventures from his PC gig to his stand-up act, he finds a laugh on every corner. "I think of material every day," he says, citing motorists as prime examples. "I was driving and saw Lisa Ann Hadley (Julie) on the way to the studio," he explains. "She waved, leaned out the window, and asked which way I was going. I got in front of her, so she followed me." While he was on the road, North's thoughts turned to the humor in the situation. "I was thinking that it's amazing pressure to have someone follow you," he relates. "You are responsible for their miserable driving. If they don't make the yellow light, you've got to pull over." If that wasn't enough inspiration, North always has his dad. "He drives with two feet," his laughs. "I said, 'I didn't know you drove with two feet. You're the one who taught me to drive with the right foot.' He said, 'That's the way you're supposed ti drive now. They've changed it in all the manuals.' But my dad is like that. He's bald but still owns hair gel."

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