Forward March

Change can be nerve-racking to some. But Nolan North is excited about the many changes at his show -- including lots of new castmembers. "More people means more stories," he observes. Not that he ever thought he'd be one of the few original actors left. By now, he says, "I thought I'd be co-starring [in a movie] with Brat Pitt. But I'm kind of an overachiever." He's joking -- kind of. "Yeah, actually I did think that. Maybe it's the arrogance of ignorace." So why has North chosen to stick around PC? Simply put, he loves it! He also wants to make sure he always does the best work he can do. "As an actor, if you get fired -- well, that happens, and you move on," he relates. "But I'm not going to let it be my fault." Meanwhile, now that Chris' front-burner storyline with Julie has been resolved, we're all wondering what's next for the character. "There is supposed to be stuff coming up, but they're keeping that kind of under wraps,"is all North will say. "People love the idea of Karen as a possibility for Chris. But right now, Chris is not interested in any women. We'll see what happens."

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