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The JRW is treated as a program put together for the troubled teens in the world. Or at least in the state of New York. This "program" was founded in 1997. Many people who have done wrong by the law have been given a second chance or a choice. An alternative to prison time. The JRW is one of those choices, and quite a favored one I might add. There are people who are convicted of crimes beyond beliefe, but the person commiting the crime does not seem to be the kind of person that deserves punishment such as prison or Jail time, but should be punnished none the less. Thats where we come in. As opposed to the services of Juvinile Hall, this program was made to satisfy that violent attraction that lives in the minds of the JRW wrestlers. Sentances can be as long as 20 years, and some wrestlers want to stay longer because of what they are allowed to do here. What the JRW Wrestlers are allowed to do in the federation, would be considered assault out in the civilian world. In fact. Most of JRW wrestlers are in the JRW for that very reason. They are almost addicted to the ability to inflict pain on another person, or they are amaized that even a criminal such as themselfs can be imortalized in the eyes ofa civilian. Because of this they make great fighters and all great fighters deserve some sort of reward for the pain and suffering they endure to get to where they are. And so, The JRW has developed divisions over time in which each "Wrestler" can eccel. There fore bringing up Championships for each division. This is what seperates the skilled, from the angry, and the angry from the insane.  Championships have been won and loss at the hands of another, countless times. But only one man can be the champion. Some have decided to stay in the devision that they have been placed in, while others feel that there division is a low standard compared to what they can realy do. This starts worlds of rivalries, and conflicts you wont see anywhere elss, and moreover, matches you wouldnt believe happened unless you saw it with  
About The JRW
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