20 Questions.

CH: Cole Hobson

MC: Matt C.

MG: Marc Gallant

MN: Matthew Nicoll

Favorite Movie?



If you could marry a movie star, who would it be?

Favorite Ninja Turtle?

Worst movie ever is...


Boxers or Briefs?



Cats or Dogs?


Secret Talent?




What is your worst phobia?


What band/group do you like that is the most unlike your other favorite bands?

What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?

If you could join ANY band, which would you join?


Favorite video game?


What will you name your first kid?

Matt C. or Matt N.?


What is your worst habit?


What is your dream pet?


When I am bored I...


Saturday Night Live or MadTV?


What is the best concert you have ever gone to?



What is your favorite Now or Never song?



CH: The Sandlot
MC: Josie and the Pussy Cats, D2 - The Mighty Ducks
MG: U-571
MN: Forest Gump

CH: J-Lo
MC: Rachel Leigh Cook
MG: Natalie Portman
MN: they all have STD's

CH: Raphael (for ever)
MC: Michelangelo
MG: Donatello
MN: Mike

CH: Don Cherry 13 (cause I don't have it)
MC: The Wind in the Willows
MG: Ginger Snaps (holy shit)
MN: Indian in the Cupboard

CH: Boxers
MC :Boxer Briefs (what an invention! you get the best of both worlds)
MG: Usually boxers, but sometimes I like to mix things up.
MN: whatever is available

CH: Dogs
MC: Dogs
MG: Dogs rule
MN: Cats

CH: I'm good at kicking a little bag filled with beads.
MC: I don't have one, if you read everything on this site, you know EVERYTHING about me. I suppose I am pretty good at computers, yes, I am a dork.
MG: Badminton
MN: I can sing!

CH: Dying/Dying alone.
MC: drowning
MG: ugh...dentist
MN: Octopusses

CH: Destiny's Child
MC: Bare Naked Ladies, AC/DC
MG: Finger Eleven
MN: Coldplay

CH: Green Eggs and Ham
MC: Green Eggs and Ham
MG: Go, Dog, Go*
MN: Hop on Pop

CH: NoFX, wait, then I would have to be old..hmm.. I don't know.
MC:The Ataris
MG: Saves The Day
MN: Osker

CH: NHL '95
MC: Blades of Steel, Goldeneye
MG: NHL '94
MN: Goldeneye

CH:Cole Jr.
MC: The Incredible Hulk,
MG: Jonathan Taylor Thomas
MN: Cliff

CH: both!
MC: Matt N.
MG: Cole H.
MN: Matt C.

CH: Being a jerk
MC: Procrastination
MG: Bite my nails, who doesn't?
MN:I'm a nail biter

CH: dream pet? that is silly
MC: Monkey that can perform everyday tasks, and that I can carry in a school bag.
MG: Fortunately I don't dream about pets.
MN: fishies

CH: Play bass...or go on my CPU
MC: Play video games
MG: Write music
MN: burn CD's

CH: both are good
MC: MadTV, although I don't really watch SNL that much, but from what I have seen it is good. MG: MadTV
MN: both

CH: I've been to so many good concerts, to name a few: rusty, Snowjam/Summersault, I Mother Earth (hey, it was good!), and countless Pavilion shows. MC: Summersault (Our Lady Peace, good old OLP), Sum 41 at the Pavillion.
MG: Bigwig/Slump/Gob
MN: Somewhat Average

CH: Good in Goodbye
MC: Good in Goodbye/Open Hearts Closed Eyes.
MG: Anything nicoll writes MN: Eggnog Lament

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