Past Shows

When - April 4th, 2002.

- The Pavilion

Other Bands
- Eyes to the Sky, Days Away.

Set List: Always Worth the Smile, Open Hearts and Closed Eyes, Obviously Obvious, Passing moment, Good in Good-bye, Your Life in Standard Tuning, Nothing lasts forever,Cross out the Eyes, probably others.

Overview: We played fin for the most part. It was disappointing because 2 good bands pulled out at the last minute, so it wasn't as good as expected. We were greated with a spray of silly sting which was funny. The cover song was a disaster and we will probably not play any covers anymore.


When - March 20th

- Auburn Drive High School's Plugged

Other Bands
- AKA, Spooner Oldham Experience, Flying Beef Stew and others.

Set List: Always Worth the Smile, Open Hearts and Closed Eyes, Obviously Obvious/Friends Theme.

Overview: This was an okay show. We played just fine, but the set was short, and not the kind of audience we'd normal like playing to, but all in all it was okay.


When - March 14th

- Pavlion

Other Bands
: Blind by Choice, Virgin Short, I forget the other one.

Set List
- Your Life in Standard Tuning, Passing Moment, Always Worth the Smile, Open Hearts and Closed Eyes, Hero (Enrique Iglesias), You Learn (Alanis Morissette), Give Peace a Change, Nothing Lasts Forever, Good in Goodbye

Overview: This was our best show to date. It was our first headlined show, and we had a great crowd. We managed to sell all our demo tapes, and get a lot of compliments from our set. We played some okay covers, but the general high energy on stage was what made the show so good. The next pavilion show should be really good.


When - February 16, 2002.

Where - The B.O.X.

Other Bands - Monopuss, Descend, Spooner Oldham Experience, The Makoids.

Set List - Your Life in Standard Tuning, Passing Moment, Friends theme, Awkward situation, Papa Roach song, Always worth a Smile, Open Hearts and Closed Eyes, Hero(Enrique Inglesias). )I think that is it.

Overview - A bit disappointing. Power failure and shortage of time caused this show to go a little sour. Matt and Matt switched roles for a few songs, that was fun. I would rate this show a 6.5/10.


When - December 21st, 2001.

Where - The B.O.X.

Other Bands - Monopuss, Descend, Operation Monkey Chunky

Set List - 30 second song, One of a Kind, Open Hearts Closed Eyes, The Passing Moment, Give Peace a Chance, Eggnog Lament, Ska Anthem, The Good in Good-bye, Jingle-Bells.

Overview - Excellent show. We would like to consider this as our first show. We played all songs very well and the crowd was into it with some killer pits. A good debut for 6 of our songs, including our tribute to X-mas, Jingle Bells. Thanks to all who attended, or made an effort to attend. Oh yes, Cole also debuted his hardcore singing talent.


When - November 3rd, 2001.

Where - The B.O.X.

Other Bands - Somewhat Average, The Spooner Oldham Experience, Over the Edge, Flying Beef Stew, Operation Monkey Chunky.

Set List - 30 second song, untitled 1 (high energy), The Good in Good-Bye, The Passing Moment, One of a Kind, M&M's, MSHOP.

Overview - This was our first show, and it was fairly successful, considering our disorganization. M&M's was shitty, and the rest were sloppy, but there was good energy all around, and it was fun. Party on.

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