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	Psyomez Dreamz

Streams of youth parade past
Flowing like a river
They rush and flow on
Out of history they march
Memories of days of old
Legends of the past reborn
They march again

And fire do they spew
Gaints standing there
Belching their pains and sorrows
And their rage tumbles
Forward like a great wave
Crashing down upon the land
And bringing devastion to
All the guilty and unworthy

	Recipe for the soul

Submerged in the muck of sanity
Feeling every bit of mass miscommunication
The truths and falsehoods jumbled together
Cries for help go unheard by the experts

Images, sounds, symbols and words
Mixed, merged and scrambled underneath
Green, Blue, Purple and Yellow
The ingredeants of the norm


I sit here pondering the world
and wonder what is meant of us in this
life and time. Are we mearly
dust waiting to be blown around
by cosmic winds in this great
nothingness that exsists in the gap of
people who inhabit this grain of
salt. We sit here and stare at
the light of the past and
wonder about the future to
be told by the cheat on the
other end of the wire that connects
us to all that we know or
care to know for we be'th
to much resembling a plant
than an animal.

The sea pounds the shores
of madness in the head the
gulls screaching out the voices
that help the insane be more
sane than the norm. The
masses of communication nothing
but a lie based on and supported
by the beLIEf that the grass
is always greener on the other
side. That is why the chicken
crossed the road.

	The Unfinished Road

I travel the road that
Others fear to tread
I travel the road of
Individuality long since dead

I follow the path that
Others dare not see
Blinded by their
Life living in conformity

I travel the road that

	Cries of Nothing Important

Drifting over the seas
of lies I lay back
and ponder what it
means to be me
To be here
To see through the
mass lies but still
get caught in the
net of unavoidable
evils and goods

	HR Sucks

And so the disaster starts
And the who cares of this
So I sit there in boredom
Who cares? Its only your life

Stuff happens. So it goes
The truth is a virus always
Out of grasp of our understanding
And always harming us more
Than the falsehoods

The fog lifts from
The minds and the
Souls soar free from
Their earthly entrapments
We see the beauty
For what it is and
Not for what it was
Or could be.

	Crown of the Soul

A circlet of light rested on her brow
Dispelling all shadows of doubt of her beauty
For standing beforeth me is the most radient of 
     all creatures
And to be in her presence overwhelms the senses.
The most beautiful of sunsets fade in comparison
Hillsides of fresh flowers on a nice spring 
     afternoon seems less fragrant in comparison
To hear her voice...


I am lost at sea 
And troubles have found me 
Swim for life or 
Drown like a coward 
Chooses are hard 

NAO 9-6-2001 

   Lost It

Rain rain go away 
Take me to another day 
Peace and love and happiness 
Why can't all that really exsist 

NAO 9-6-2001 

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Copyright 2001 Nathan Olmstead 1

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