From Lev 80 to NO REFUNDS.
This is the offical story about four guys that really didn't know how big they could get in just a few years....
  They started the band about 5 years ago in the basement of Daniel's home. At that time, there was nothing to do in Winterton. First there were only three members: Dwayne, Gary, and Daniel. The band was called
lev 80, (Which at that time, sounded like a good name and there was a story behind that as well.) then but about one year after the band started, they found Cody for a second guitar player. They would continue to pratice in the basement and think of songs to play. Every now and again a couple of friends would come in and listen. They said that they would be able to at least pull off a show if they wanted to. It was a good idea, so they had a couple of connectons with other, more bigger bands on the Avalon. Finally a show was set in the future. After a few months the band started to have differences between the songs they played and the way they argued with each other became a little stressful for a couple of guys having fun. With the tention rising and the show nearing, somedays they would all get along; others only three might get together and only two of the boys would jam every now and then. It was too much so they hung it up for a little while, but not long. One day they decided that the band needed to start over and get somewhere, so they all got together for a good pratice and decided on some new songs to play and start to write some of their own. With a new name and a new song list "No Refunds" felt like they were reborn. The name "No Refunds" was picked out of a hat and in the wierdest kind of way. They seen a text name on Gary's computer one night and said that it was a pretty good name, better than (Project Blue book) as Cody and Gary first intended. So "No Refunds" started to get somewhere. They also got their first show on July 23 at their hometown celebrations. The poeple didn't know what to expect from them, but was blown away right from the start. They got to play the next day as well. The next show was in New Perlican, followed by a Labor Day show in September. Playing under the stars as they say was the best show put off...at that time. But, as the summer drew to its ending, Dwayne moved away to go to college. It wasn't long before they acquired another singer from school and played a few shows. After awhile things began to slow down and Dwayne came back. Dwayne is still in St. John's and is currently singing for the band. As of now, Daniel has moved to Paradise and is a drummer for another band. Cody has since moved to Mt. Pearl and is in the same band as Daniel. Gary is still at his hometown continuing to finish school.   
Lev 80 fact: Lev 80 was founded by Gary when he found the word, "Levity" in the dictionary meaning, the lack of seriousness between a group of people. Perfect name for the guys.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws