
this section is where you will find unique information on maps of northampton which will tell you some interesting things.

postcode map
this map shows where the postcode boundaries are in northampton, including nn1, nn2, nn3, nn4 and nn5.

crime rate map
this map shows what crime rate each estate has in northampton

attack/robbery map
this map shows where you are most likely to be robbed or attacked in northampton

burglary rate map
this map shows where you are most likely to have property taken from you in northampton

gangsta map
this map shows you where most 'gangsta' activity is likely to happen in northampton


look out for new maps still to come

if you have anything to say about this maps, please sign the guestbook

st james graffiti, briar hill graffiti, far cotton graffiti, town centre graffiti, northampton graffiti, airflow graffiti, avon graffiti, west hunsbury graffiti, kingsthorpe graffiti, racecourse graffiti, kingsley graffiti, mounts graffiti

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