questions and answers

reguarly asked in northampton.

"is the old avon factory being demolished?"

yes. when the council decide to build the new southbridge/ransome road estate, the now defunct ghostown of avon will be completely wiped away.
no more raves/bombin up/throwing mates in the cellars full of toxic water!

"what will take it as northampton's 'premier' venue?"

fuck knows! there's always eastfield...

"why is the council so shit?"

around 10 years ago the council wasn't that bad but the 10 past years has been a struggle for any government who has been in charge of northampton. this hit rock bottom in 2004 when the council was branded 'the worst in england!' - there have been improvements but the council is shit, it's true. there is no answer unfortuantly!

"why are there so many fences/cctv everywhere?"

once a upon a time, you could rome northampton and walk where ever you wanted but an intense fencing system around northampton now which is increasingly making everyone feel like a caged animal! not to mention cctv, which is more or less on every street corner. it's the same everywhere.

"what has happend to the racecourse?"

everyone loves the racecourse. probably one of northampton's 'claims to fame' graffiti wise, decades of graffiti has gained reputations and burned others. the 90s was probably 'thee' decade for classic ghetto feeling, later carried on from 2000 for another four years. in 2004 every wall was covered from one end to another. a few months later it was all taken down, after a few cries for 'legal wall' nothing happend, the racecourse still has a thriving community but has lost it's soul.

"where is gx superbowl?"

gx superbowl was behind st james retail park, formally a bowling alley throughout the 90s, it was closed and left abandoned for years. gx was a haven for artists and was constantly fed paint to it's walls which could be seen easily by passing trains from castle station. in 2004 a woman was burnt to death inside the building and in early 2006 the building was demolished. at the moment it is just a bomb site and will probably be turned into a new warehouse.

"what are st james bridges and victoria bridges?"

st james bridges are approximatly 1/4 of a mile down from castle station. they were accessible from st james retail park and parkland off st james road on the otherside of the river. in late 2004 the council fenced off all areas after constant drug dealings/pimping/severe attacks.

victoria bridges is approximatly 1/2 of a mile north of castle station, on the other side of the river to victoria park there is wasteland behind super sausage cafe. accessible from super sausage cafe only. the bridges have been fenced off recently after two deaths in and around the bridges, the place was doomed even more after another rape under spencer bridge road.


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