
Forgiving Others

Some people seem to have figured out backwards. They think that if they won’t forgive their mother for being nasty, it is their mother’s problem; it is theirs! When we withhold forgiveness, WE suffer. Half of the time, the guilty person doesn’t even know what is going on in our head! The guilty party continues happily, Breezing through life while we put ourselves through so much mental anguish.


If I refuse to forgive my brother-in-law for not inviting me in his Christmas party, I suffer. He doesn’t get the ulcers. He doesn’t lose the sleep. He isn’t upset. I do. It is no wonder that we are advised to forgive those who trespass against us! It is the only way we can remain happy and healthy. Unfortunately it is one of the greatest causes of sickness because a sour mind creates a sour body.

In addition, so long as we hold other people as being guilty and responsible for our unhappiness, we are refusing to admit our own responsibility. Blaming other people never got anyone anywhere. The moment we stop other, we are in a position to take some action to improve things. Blaming is an excuse to do nothing about reality-- an excuse not to take action.


Blaming others gets us nowhere. If something is done, it is done. Griping about it changes nothing. Blaming the weather never helped anybody. The same goes for blaming other people.

When we do choose to forgive, a marvelous principle comes into operation. As we change, others change. As we alter our attitude towards others, they begin to alter their behavior. Somehow the moment we change the way we see things, others respond to our changed expectations. And as they say:

To err is human but to forgive is divine.

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